High on Life, the new comedy-adventure game created by Justin Roiland, the co-creator of Rick and Morty, is the Xbox Game Pass’ biggest launch of 2022 and the biggest release of a single-player-only game in the platform’s history.
High on Life, the sleeper hit of 2022, was first released on Xbox and PC on December 13, 2022. Developed and published by Squanch Games, the game follows a teenager entangled in an intergalactic alien cartel war between rival factions. The game incorporates high-quality voice acting, and each weapon you hold has a unique personality that engages you throughout the game’s various missions.
In addition to being Xbox Game Pass’ biggest launch of the year, it’s also the biggest 3rd party Game Pass launch in history and the biggest release of a single-player-only game in the Game Pass’ history, according to a recent release on the Xbox website.
While driven by the ingenious mind of Justin Roiland, the expectations of the game’s success were far exceeded, with the launch coming off the heels of the overwhelmingly popular God of War Ragnarok, which took home five awards at The Game Awards 2022.
Ultimately, this shows that unique, interesting, and hilarious original IPs still have a chance to thrive and succeed in gaming.
If you’ve been under an intergalactic rock and haven’t seen the trailer for High on Life, you can watch it below:
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