5 Letter Words Starting and Ending in K

Looking for a list of 5-letter words that start and end with the letter K? We're here to help.

Wordle fiends may sometimes run into a puzzle that stumps them, and there’s nothing wrong with turning to some online word lists for a few ideas. We put together a list of all the Wordle-compatible 5-letter words starting and ending in K that you can use for your daily guesses.

If you’re on this page, you probably already got a hint that tells you the first and fifth letter of the word is “K,” so the list below should give you a few helpful ideas that you can use. Also, you might want to check out our list of the previous Wordle answers to make sure you don’t reuse one of the words on that list.

5 Letter Words Starting and Ending in K

  • Kayak
  • Krunk
  • Kopek
  • Knack
  • Kaiak
  • Kamik
  • Kiosk
  • Knick
  • Klick
  • Knock
  • Kulak
  • Kapok
  • Kiack
  • Kwink
  • Kyack

The list above includes all 15 English words that start and end with K in the Wordle dictionary. You can also use your own in-game hints to narrow the list and make it a little more manageable. Now you have all the tools you need to solve today’s puzzle, so pick a good word and get to solving it.

More Wordle:

Check out our Wordle section for more word lists, and if you want the answer to today’s puzzle, head over to our Wordle answers page to see what it is. The answer is only a click away.