Construction Tycoon Codes (April 2024)

Use the Construction Tycoon codes list to get free in-game cash and other freebies to help you jumpstart your construction empire.

Construction Tycoon is an experience created by xiaogezi on Roblox. Players can put their building skills to the test in this game and become the richest construction manager of all time. Build a town of small houses and work your way up to the tallest skyscrapers as you build and manage your empire.

Use the Construction Tycoon codes list below to get free in-game rewards to jumpstart your business. You can find out how to redeem them in Construction Tycoon in the section below. We always update as soon as new codes are released, so bookmark this page and check back soon for updates.

For more Roblox, we have everything you need. Visit our Shortest Answers Wins codes and Busy Business codes for more in-game freebies. Get more codes for your favorite Roblox experience by visiting our Roblox game codes page.

April 21 2024: We checked for new Construction Tycoon codes.

All Construction Tycoon Codes

  • Thanks: 5000 in-game cash
  • like: 5000 in-game cash

Construction Tycoon FAQ

How to redeem codes in Construction Tycoon

To redeem codes in Construction Tycoon, launch the game in Roblox and tap on the Star button on the left side of the screen. Enter a working code into the code redemption box, and then press REDEEM to claim your freebies. Codes are not case sensitive, so you do not need to worry about capitalization.

What are Construction Tycoon codes?

Codes are strings of letters and numbers, and sometimes random words, given out by the game developers. The developers release new codes when the game hits new milestones. Redeeming codes gives you free in-game items, like cash, and other limited-time rewards to help you build your empire.

Where do I get more codes for Construction Tycoon?

You can get more codes by following the developers on Roblox and joining their Roblox Group. The developers post announcements, updates, and promotional events on the game page. Otherwise, we monitor for new codes and add them to our list the moment they update.