Editorial Policy

Gamer Digest is a website featuring video game guides, reviews, interviews, and gaming industry news. Our in-depth coverage of video games extends to the written content on our website.

This editorial policy outlines our professional standards focused on accuracy, depth, and integrity. If you feel like we’ve fallen short of these standards, feel free to contact us


We report on gaming news as it happens.

Our main aim in reporting the news is to be informative, accurate, and impartial. Our journalists and editors uphold these standards. Speculation, rumor, or unverified claims will always be clearly indicated in an article. We strive for the highest standards of accuracy and will reach out for comment to the appropriate parties in these cases. 

At times, especially with developing stories, we will update the article for accuracy, emerging information, or errors. This is especially true in the gaming space, where updates, patches, and new developments happen regularly. At times, we will publish follow-up stories when news is developing. If you believe a piece to be inaccurate, please contact the editorial team

Organizations and individuals have the right to reply, and we will include their comments in the piece when appropriate. 

We always aim to find the original source for news and will cite them within the piece. We do not pay sources for information. Images, photos, and screenshots on our website are credited clearly in the captions. 


Our reviews aim to be as helpful as possible so that our audience can make better-informed decisions regarding game purchases. For this reason, we will never do sponsored reviews, and organizations and individuals will never be able to “buy” reviews on Gamer Digest. 

At times, we will receive complimentary review copies of games, which will never weigh in the overall rating for a game. When given access to games early, we will sometimes agree to non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and embargoes with game publishers and developers. 

This will never affect our reporting on a game and never influences our opinion on a title, development company, or publisher. We will always strive to be unbiased in our reporting regardless of the relationships we maintain in the industry. 

To learn more about how we review games, see our Review Policy

Conflicts of Interest

Our editorial staff makes assignments based on expertise and understanding of the game, the game’s community & culture. While this is the case, we avoid conflicts of interest whenever possible, specifically extending to news coverage and reviews. 

Writers must disclose their relationships in the industry to the editorial team, which will then make the appropriate assignment determinations to remain unbiased. That relationship will be clear within the article when there is an existing relationship. 


Gamer Digest’s editorial and advertising staff work on different teams and advertising will not weigh on the content published on the site. Sponsored content and advertising will be clearly labeled. 

Some posts on Gamer Digest may contain affiliate links. Purchasing through these links may earn us an affiliate commission. However, they do not influence the written content on the site. 

The content created by Gamer Digest strives to meet the above editorial standards. Contact the editorial staff if you think we’ve fallen short of these standards.