Low health? Here’s how to heal in the new Roblox game, Voxlblade.
Voxlblade is a challenging new Roblox RPG experience. One aspect of the game is taking down harder and harder enemies. If you are low on health, however, you’ll die, lose XP, and be sent back to town. For that reason, it’s smart to keep your health up throughout the game, whether you’re taking out low level mobs like Bunnis or more powerful mobs like Budboys.
How to Heal in Voxlblade
To heal in Voxlblade, visit the Inn in town and pay gold to heal, or create health potions at the Crafting bench in town. These are the two primary ways to heal in the game.

Healing at the Inn
Every village in Voxlblade will have an Inn shown with a bed icon on the front of the building. Talk to the Innkeeper there, and you can replenish your health for some gold. Each town will cost a different amount of money to heal.

Crafting Health Potions
To create health potions, players need to collect 3 Prickly Pears in Caci Field, then visit the Crafting menu at the Crafting building. From here, they should click the Craft text under Health Potions to create a health potion.

Players can then hit M, click Inventory, select the potion, and click Use at the bottom to re-fill their health.
And there you have it! You now know how to heal in Voxlblade. Certain gear and weapons may also give you heal in the game, but you’ll need to adventure to unlock them.
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