Project New World is a popular anime-inspired Roblox game created by Haze Studios. The Paw and Crews update released on December 28, 2022, and it introduces the new rare Paw Fruit and a new Crews system. We have a complete list of patch notes for the new update below.
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Project New World Update Log (Paw & Crews Update)
Here’s the list of changes in the Paw and Crews update for Project New World:
- Bounty cap increase from 200K to 300K
- New Crew System and Fame System
- Island Capturing System: Crews can claim to obtain fame and rewards every five minutes
- Paw Fruit (Rare)
- Uncommons and Rare are easier to obtain
- Reduced price of Tremor and Dark Fruit
- Removed loading screen for mobile
- Removed click SFX for mobile
- Made it so bosses don’t use their skill on aggro
- Nerfed bosses walkspeed
- Chest open effect
- Boats spawn a bit closer
The update log and patch notes were taken from the official Project New World Discord server. Players can join the server to get more updates for the game.
PNW Paw and Crews Update Trailer
Here’s the new Paw + Crews update trailer for Project New World via YouTube:
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