The Voxlblade Easter Event lets players get some really cool Easter egg cosmetics. Here’s how to get the egg helmet in Voxlblade.
Ever want to have a giant egg helmet in the new Roblox experience Voxlblade? If the answer is yes, then you have to find the different Easter Egg cosmetics you can scoop up.
How to Get Easter Egg Helmet in Voxlblade
To get the Easter Egg helmets in Voxlblade, destroy the pink Easter Buni in the game. Easter Bunis can mainly be found in The Plains and Flora Fields. Once you get the bunny down to around 30% health, it will start running away, so make sure to save your burst damage to finish it off.

There are a total of 20 Eggs for the Voxlblade Easter Egg event. You can check your egg progress by visiting the Egg Stand in Frontier Village. The pink bunnies are very rare so you won’t run into them all the time. As soon as you spot one, you should take it out before another player gets to it first!
Since the eggs have no stats, you’ll want to just use them as cosmetics. To do this, hit M on your keyboard and click Inventory. Then, click the Edit Cosmetics text below your gear and equip the Egg helmet in your head slot.

This will make it so that you just wear the Egg Helmet as a cosmetic, not as your main gear.
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