We’re here to help you out with today’s Wordscapes January 6 2023 daily puzzle answers. Today’s puzzle has a total of 9 words, derived from 7 letters: A, A, N, P, E, A, C. Check out the answers below if you need any help.
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Wordscapes Daily Puzzle Answers January 6 2023
The answers to the Wordscapes daily puzzle on January 6 2023 are:

Wordscapes January 6 2023 Daily Puzzle Definitions
- ACNE - the occurrence of inflamed or infected sebaceous glands in the skin; in particular, a condition characterized by red pimples on the face, prevalent chiefly among teenagers
- CANE - the hollow jointed stem of a tall grass, especially bamboo or sugar cane, or the stem of a slender palm such as rattan.
- CAPE - a sleeveless cloak, typically a short one
- PACE - a single step taken when walking or running
- PANE - a single sheet of glass in a window or door.
- NAPE - the back of a person's neck
- PECAN - a smooth brown nut with an edible kernel similar to a walnut.
- APACE - swiftly; quickly
- PANACEA - a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases
Definitions via Oxford Languages.
That’s everything you need to know about today’s Wordscapes January 6 2023 daily puzzle answers. For more answers, guides, and puzzles, visit our website’s word games section.
Wordscapes is available for Android and iOS devices on Google Play and App Store.