Age of Wonders 4: Cheats and Console Commands

If you are looking for all the cheats in the new fantasy game, Age of Wonders 4 — we’ve compiled them in a giant list for you. 

AoW4, the breakout fantasy strategy game, isn’t easy. As a 4X turn-based tactical strategy game, it has a somewhat high learning curve, especially if you’re not well-versed in the genre. For this reason, we don’t really blame you if you want to get a few cheats to make the campaign a bit easier for you. See below for the full list of Age of Wonders 4 cheats and console commands. 

Age of Wonders 4 Cheats and Console Commands

Here are the Age of Wonders 4 cheats and console commands:

barentzReveals full map
completechapterCompletes the current research chapter
cruijffEnable/Disable infinite movement
demoGives 100,000 gold, unlocks all research, enables instant production, enables instant operation priming
defeat1Triggers instant leader killed defeat
defeat2Triggers instant throne city lost defeat
defeat3Triggers instant expansion defeat
defeat4Triggers instant magic defeat
defeat5Triggers instant score defeat
demonenGains negative alignment in all channels
eenheidAdds max fake sectors for expansion victory
eendrachtAdds one fake beacon for expansion victory
engelenGains positive alignment in all channels
flyingdutchmanInfinate movement, 100,000 gold, reveals map
freepopInstantly grows the population in the selected city
genheroGenerates a random off map hero
gencryptheroGenerates a random hero in the crypt
genprisonheroGenerates a random hero in the prison
heinTriggers instant victory
hauerLevels up the selected stack
huygensGain +1 affinity level for each affinity, unlocks empire progression tree
iamgodToggles instant combat victory
ikbedoelallesUnlocks all global operations
improverelationImproves relations with the selected city
instantskillsToggles instant research
lelyToggles instant operations
makeallyForms an alliance with the selected independent city or player
makeangryDecreases relations with the selected independent city or player
makecoopStarts a pact of cooperation with the selected independent city or player
makehappyImproves relations with the selected independent city or player
makeintegratedStarts a pact of integration with the selected independent city or player
makeloyalStarts a pact of loyalty with the selected independent city or player
makeneutralSets diplomatic state to neutral with the selected independent city or player
makevassalTurns selected free city or player into a vassal
martinIncreases the max hero cap to 999
masterskillsUnlocks all research
medicHeals the selected unit
optimalprimeToggles instant operation priming
oldenbarneveltGives 100,000 Imperium
philipsToggles instant production
questmasterToggles quests
rallytheliegesStarts the next Rally of the Lieges
rembrandtGives 100,000 Gold
revealpersonalityReveals the personality traits of selected AI player
ruijterAdds 1 copy of each hero item to the hero item store
spaargarenUnlocks the empire progression tree before 10 turns have passed
switch_tmSwitches between simultaneous and classic turns
tasmanExplores map
unexploreUnexplores the map
verdoemenisAdds one fake root node for magic victory
victory1Triggers instant military victory
victory2Triggers instant expansion victory
victory3Triggers instant magic victory
victory4Triggers instant score victory
voorheesUnlocks all non-signature hero skills
warlordDeclares war on all other players
willemTriggers instant score defeat

How to Use the Console in Age of Wonders 4

To enable cheats and console commands in Age of Wonders 4, enter the Miscellaneous menu and click Run in Debug Mode. From here, hit Ctrl + Shift + C or Ctrl + Alt + C to open the console and enter the cheats. 

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