Dead by Daylight Michael Myers Builds (April 2024)

Wondering what Perks to use for Michael Myers, aka The Shape? Read our Dead by Daylight Best Michael Myers builds guide to learn more.

The Shape, or Michael Myers, is an average Dead by Daylight Killer built around a single mechanic–catching Survivors by surprise in Tiers 1 and 2 to build power for Tier 3. Tier 3 lets Myers down Survivors in 1 hit for an entire minute before returning to Tier 2. Unlike more recent Killers, Myers doesn’t have any additional mechanics to help in the Trial. So, we’re covering the best Dead by Daylight Michael Myers builds

Dead by Daylight Michael Myers Builds (April 2024)

For the best Dead by Daylight Michael Myers or The Shape builds, you’ll want to use Add-ons and Perks that synergize well with your desired Killer gameplay style. If you enjoy snowballing quickly, Perks like Knock Out and Infectious Fright are the best. If you enjoy chasing people down fast, Perks like Sloppy Butcher and Hex are right for you. 

Below we’ve outlined three of the best Dead by Daylight Michael Myers builds. 

1. Snowball Potential

Recommended Add-ons:

  • J. Myers Memorial (Rare)
  • Hair Bow (Rare)

Recommended Perks:

  • Infectious Fright (from The Plague Perk)
  • Monitor and Abuse (from The Doctor Perk)
  • Knock Out (from The Cannibal Perk)
  • Jolt (from the Base Perks)

The big combo is from the first 3 Perks. With Monitor and Abuse, Myer’s Terror Radius in Tier 2 is super small. Survivors have no time to react to his approach unless they see him. From there, activate Tier 3 and get the Down. 

Any Survivors nearby have now revealed their location, and Myer’s Terror Radius shrinks back down because he’s no longer in a Chase. They have to run away or risk getting ambushed and Downed themselves. This means the Downed Survivor stays down for a while, forcing the remaining Survivors to drop objectives to come looking for them. Jolt slows the game more and tracks which Generators are being worked on. Jolt works just through getting Downs, saving time in Tier 3.

2. Jumpscare Michael Myers

Recommended Add-ons:

  • Scratched Mirror (Very Rare)
  • Boyfriend’s Memo (Common)

Recommended Perks:

  • Sloppy Butcher (from Base Perks)
  • Hex: Haunted Grounds (from The Spirit)
  • Fearmonger (from Base Perks)
  • Eruption (from The Nemesis)

Offering: Jigsaw Piece/Mary’s Letter/Shattered Glasses

A classic build Dead by Daylight Michael Myers build with modern improvements. The Trial location is critical, hence the Offering. Here, we give up the power of Tier 3 for arguably the best Tracking power in the game. Just remember that Myers can’t chase well in Tier 1. 

Get a hit, let Survivors run off, then track them down while they think they’re safe. Since finishing the chase near a Generator is less likely, take Eruption over Jolt. This build has always been fun, and with updated Perks it’s practical too.

3. Unstoppable Pursuit

Recommended Add-ons:

  • Jewelry Box (Rare)
  • J. Myers Memorial (Rare)

Recommended Perks:

  • Coup De Grace (from The Twins) 
  • Bamboozle (from The Clown)
  • Enduring (from The Hillbilly) 
  • Brutal Strength (from The Trapper) 

This build’s goal is simple: Make Tier 3 so scary Survivors waste all their resources on it. Myers’ Tier 3 is still vulnerable to Pallet and Window loops. If a Survivor makes it to a strong structure, Myers can waste most of his Tier 3 running in circles. 

This Dead by Daylight Michael Myers build counters that, but at a cost. There’s no room for Generator Slowdown here, so Players running this build need to keep applying pressure through Downs and Hooks. Use the threat of Tier 3 to make Survivors burn through Pallets and create dead zones. Tier 2 is now dangerous to them as well, even if they have time to run.

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