Dead by Daylight’s in-game event: Haunted by Daylight, has officially launched. We’re seeing a mix of old components and new mechanics featured in the slasher-survival game. Today we’re specifically covering the in-game event. Read on for details on how to get void energy in Dead by Daylight.
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How to Get Void Energy in Dead by Daylight
To get Void Energy in Dead by Daylight, complete the Trial objectives, like repairing generators or hooking survivors. Then, once you gain Void Energy, find an Unstable Rift to deposit it. Players who deposit 30 Void Energy in a single match will unlock one of the available rewards.
See below for a step-by-step guide on how to collect and deposit Void Energy in Dead by Daylight.
Completing Trial Objectives for Void Energy
The main way to get Void Energy in DbD is by repairing generators and hooking Survivors. Smashing pumpkins in the Trial will sometimes reward smaller amounts. For more aggressive players, downing Survivors or stunning or blinding Killers holding Void Energy will also grant it.
Only 15 Void Energy can be held at once.
Finding Unstable Rifts & Depositing Void Energy
To find Unstable Rifts in DbD, look for the Unstable Rift aura after collecting 15 Void Energy. The Unstable Rifts appear in random areas during the Trial. They’ll eventually disappear, to emerge again elsewhere. Approach the Rift to see a prompt to deposit.
Players beware: Collected Void Energy is not safe until Players deposit it in an Unstable Rift. Being downed, stunned, or blinded will give attackers Void Energy from the Player’s own pool. See below for an image of an Unstable Rift in Dead by Daylight.

The Player’s current Void Energy is shown in a meter next to the generator count, separated into held and deposited Void Energy. After depositing 30 Void Energy, the meter disappears, showing only a glowing Unstable Rift icon.
Void Energy Rewards
There are 12 total rewards for depositing Void Energy. These are split between Killer and Survivor. The rewards are unlocked in random order. 12 Trials of successfully depositing 30 Void Energy will grant the entire set.
Glow-in-the-dark Bones Shirts are available for the following Survivors:
- David King
- Claudette Morel
- Felix Richter
- Feng Min
- Jane Romero
- Yun-Jin Lee
Sweet Death weapons are available for the following Killers:
- The Hillbilly
- The Twins
- The Plague
- The Trapper
- The Doctor
- The Nurse
The 13.5 Halloween Tome contains more challenges regarding the Void Energy and Halloween Event. Activate these first for extra rewards. Dead by Daylight: Haunted by Daylight is active until November 3.
I wonder how embarrassing it is to be killed by a candy cleaver. More guides are available in our Guides Section.