Every edge you can get counts when you finally make it to the end-game in Diablo Immortal. One way to boost your stats is to obtain the Family Bonuses from Family Specific Reforge Stones and regular Reforge Stones that you can apply to your items. Read on to learn about all the Diablo Immortal Legendary Item Family Bonuses and how to get them.
Diablo Immortal Legendary Item Family Bonus Guide
What are Diablo Immortal Legendary Item Family Bonuses?
In Diablo Immortal, you can upgrade your items with materials at the Blacksmith in Westmarch. Each time you hit a certain level, your Legendary item receives unique attributes. These occur at levels 6, 11, and 16.
Once your item hits the max level of 16, you have the opportunity for a fourth attribute called a Family Bonus. You achieve this when all three of your Legendary items are in the same Family. You can see the bonus’ Family from the icon to the left of the bonus.

There are six Family Bonuses and five different traits for each bonus.
Diablo Immortal Legendary Item Family Bonuses List
See below for all of the possible stat boosts in each Family:

- Barrier Stone
- Damage to undead increased [4.5-6.0%]
- Fear resistance increased [4.5-6.0%]
- Damage taken from nearby enemies decreased by [1.5-2.0%]
- Block Chance increased by [1.5-2.0%]
- Maximum Life increased [0.8-1.0%]
Family Bonus: You have a 2% chance when attacked to gain an absorption shield for 6 seconds.

- Jolt Stone
- Slow immunity chance increased by [4.5-6.0%]
- Damage taken from players reduced by [2.2-3.0%]
- Cheat Death chance increased by [3.0-4.0%]
- Duration of beneficial effects increased by [3.0-4.0%]
- Damage taken while suffering loss of control decreased by [3.0-4.0%]
Family Bonus: You have a 2% chance when attacked to immobilize your attacker.

- Vengeance Stone
- Attack speed increased by [1.5-2.0%]
- Damage to shielded enemies increased [4.5-6.0%]
- Damage to players increased [4.5-6.0%]
- Damage to enemies suffering a loss control increased [3.8-5.0%]
- Damage to demons increased [4.5-6.0%]
Family Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to increase all damage you deal by 100% for 1 second.

- Wildfire Stone
- Damage done to enemies below 30% Life increased [3.0-4.0%]
- Critical Hit Chance increased [2.3-3.0%]
- All Skill Damage increased [1.5-2.0%]
- Heal party members for [1.5-2.0%] on death
- Primary Attack damage increased by [3.0-4.0%]
Family Bonus: You have a 2% chance when you kill an enemy to summon a fire-spitting Hydra.

- Ravager Stone
- Life Regeneration increased by [0.8-1.0%]
- Healing potion cooldown reduced [1.5-2.0%]
- Damage to elite enemies increased [4.5-6.0%]
- Damage taken by your summons decreased [3.0-4.0%]
- Damage done by your summons increased [3.0%-4.0%]
Family Bonus: You have a 2% chance when you will an enemy to make the corpse explode, damaging all nearby enemies.

- Tremor Stone
- Primary Attacks reduce enemy Attack and Movement Speeds by [0.8-1.0%]
- Primary Attacks reduce enemy healing by [2.2-3.0%]
- Knock away resistance increased [4.5-6.0%]
- Stun resistance increased [3.0-6.0%]
- Continual damage taken reduced by [4.5-6.0%]
Family Bonus: Your Primary Attacks have a 2% chance to inflict X damage and Stun nearby enemies for 1.5 seconds.
Reforging Diablo Immortal Legendary Item Family Bonuses
If you haven’t met the threshold for three bonuses in the same family and want to achieve the family bonus for your item, Reforging the attribute that isn’t in the Family is the way to go. Reforging is essentially re-rolling for a specific item attribute.
Follow this step-by-step guide on how to Reforge Lengedary Item Family Bonuses:
- Visit a Blacksmith.
- Click Reforge on the left side of the screen.
- Click the item that you want to Reforge.
- Select the attribute that you want to re-roll.
- Click Reforge.
- You will need Reforge Stones or Family Specific Reforge Stones.
- Select one of the two new stat options provided, or keep your current bonus if you didn’t roll an attribute that you want.

It’s important to note that Family Specific Reforge Stones can only be purchased with Eternal Orbs, which require real-life money. Family Specific Reforge Stones are superior because they narrow your Reforge options to the four to five attributes per Family, rather than attributes for all Families.
Understanding the Odds of Reforging
Using the Family Specific Reforge Stone gives you a 3/5 chance to roll the item attribute you desire.
Using normal Reforge Stones decreases your odds significantly, to a 1/10 chance to roll the attribute you want. There’s also a chance that you Reforge your item’s bonus stat into the wrong Family, which would require you to continue Reforging until you get the Family stat you desire.
To attain the Diablo Immortal Legendary Item Family Bonus is a challenge and will require many Reforge Stones and upgrading materials to get precisely the build you want. However, once you attain Legendary Item Family Bonuses, the Bonuses across all your items stack, even if they are the same Family Bonus. This can create super-powerful buffs that will put you far ahead of other players.
Good luck in the Sanctum! For more Diablo Immortal guides and walkthroughs, check out our Diablo Section.