Are you looking to climb the leaderboards with your Wizard in Diablo Immortal? We put together our version of the best Wizard build in Diablo Immortal from the perspective of someone who’s climbed the ladder to rank one. Give this Meteor and Arcane Wind build a shot if you’re looking to do high burst damage capable of decimating huge mobs of enemies while also utilizing teleport with high mobility.
Diablo Immortal Wizard Build: Firestorm & Disintegrate
The Diablo Immortal Wizard build below is high burst damage in groups and sustained single target damage. It’s good for raiding and pushing challenge rifts. For this build, we include Teleport, a classic Sorceress skill that allows the Wizard to teleport around the map, creating decoys for mobs to target while you unleash damage. Disintegrate naturally increases damage done to affected targets by 10%, and the fire from this spell and meteor allow Arcane Winds to turn into a Firestorm to provide extra damage.
Updated: The Wizard guide below was updated on July 2, 2022.
- Magic Missile – single target damage that is good against elite monsters and rift guardians.
- Teleport – allows you to speed around challenge rifts and get to places quickly.
- Arcane Wind – area-of-effect skill that can be turned into Firestorm when cast inside Meteor’s burning ground.
- Meteor – area-of-effect move that stuns enemies and creates burning ground to synergize with Arcane Wind.
- Disintegrate – channels a beam that does 3,065 damage, causes the affected to take 2% increased damage over 1.5s, and stacks 5 times (10%).
The best Legendary items for Wizards in Diablo Immortal are:
- Helm: Mask of Illusions – Teleport causes you to become invisible and leave a mirror image.
- Shoulders: Searing Judgment – Disintegrate now channels Fire, burning enemies for damage over time.
- Weapon: Windshaper – Makes Arcane Wind summon homing tornados.
- Chest: Starcaller’s Drapery – Increases Meteor radius increased by 20%.
- Legs: Starcaller’s Breaches – Meteor continually damages but no longer stuns.
- Off-hand: Unrepentant Gale – Arcane Wind charges increased by 1.
- Sets: Grace of the Flagellant, Feasting Baron’s Pack, Windloft Perfection, War Rags of Shal’baas

1-Star & 2-Star
The best 1-Star and 2-Star Legendary Gems for Wizards are:
- Everlasting Torment – gives critical hits Agony, dealing damage over time and increasing your base attack speed.
- Berserker’s Eye – increases outgoing damage dealt at the cost of increasing incoming damage.
- Lightning Core – adds chain lightning to your attacks.
- Fervant Fang – a battle pass gem that provides bonus single target damage and more damage versus elite monsters.
- Chained Death – increases damage done based on the number of targets hit.
- Power & Command – rotates between boosting your primary attack damage and skill damage.
The best 5-Star Legendary Gems for Wizards are:
- Blood-Soaked Jade – increases damage output and movement speed.
- Seeping Bile – gives attacks a chance to poison enemies, spreading and slowing their movement speed.
- Chip of Stone Flesh – curses enemies who lose control, causing them to take increased damage and explode.
- Phoenix Ashes – prevents fatal damage and creates a shield to absorb damage.
- Echoing Shade – gives attacks a chance to summon a shadow clone that deals damage and has some of your attributes.
- Howler’s Call – gives primary attacks a chance to summon a charging wolf that damages and stuns enemies.
Regular Gems
- Tourmaline – Gives increased flat damage.
- Sapphire – Gives armor penetration.
- Topaz – Gives resistance.
As for regular gems, Wizards usually want to focus on maximum damage, so Tourmaline is the best gem to pick. Aside from that, you can slot any non-Tourmaline gem slot with Sapphire and Topaz. Sapphire gives extra critical hit damage, and Topaz grants some resistance to help with survivability in rifts.
The attribute priority for Wizards in Diablo Immortal is:
- Intelligence – +1 Combat Rating, 0.3 Damage
- Fortitude – +1 Combat Rating, +0.1 Armor, +0.1 Armor Penetration
- Vitality – +1 Combat Ratings, +3 Life
- Willpower – +1 Combat Rating, +0.1 Potency, +0.1 Resistance
The best attributes to try and roll for on items are:
- Critical Hit Chance
- Critical Hit Damage
- All Skill Damage
Your primary focus with all damage-intensive classes like Wizard should be Critical Hit Chance and Critical Hit Damage. This is especially true if you’re running an Everlasting Torment Legendary Gem to proc more attack speed. Sub-attributes to focus on could be Primary Attack Damage for more single-target damage on Magic Missile, which is this build’s weakest point.
As an added bonus, the Wildfire Stone Family Bonus is your best bet, as it can roll Critical Hit Chance. Bonus damage to enemies suffering from loss of control also pairs well with the Meteor stun.
The best Paragon tree to focus on for this Diablo Immortal Wizard build is Vanquisher, as it boosts damage, attack speed, and other minor stats like life, armor penetration, and critical hits. Max out every node except for Armor Penetration–a 25-point node in the bottom-right of the Vanquisher tree. What we’d recommend doing is branching into Treasure Hunter for the experience boost and middle damage node. You can then finish it off with some points in Gladiator at Paragon 150.
Diablo Immortal Wizard PvP Build: Ice Crystal and Disintegrate
Here’s our favorite Diablo Immortal Wizard PvP build, which utilizes the freezing Ice Crystal and Black Hole for some nice crowd control effects. Not only is this build perfect for PvP, but it’s also very powerful in PvE with big groups of enemies, like Challenge Rifts and Helliquary raids.
- Magic Missile/Electrocute
- Disintegrate
- Black Hole
- Teleport
- Ice Crystal

The best Legendary items for Wizards in Diablo Immortal are:
- Helm: Mask of Illusions – Teleport now spawns a decoy and makes you invisible.
- Shoulders: Searing Judgment – Makes Disintegrate a burning beam.
- Weapon: Entropic Edge – Increases Disintegrate damage by 10%.
- Chest: Frostreaver’s Garments – Ice Crystal summons a freezing crystal that chills and freezes.
- Legs: Crystal Guards – Decreases Ice Crystal cooldown by 15%.
- Off-hand: Devouring Void – causes Black Hole to travel away from you, good for keeping enemies away.
- Sets: Grace of the Flagellant, Windloft Perfection, Untouchable Mountebank
1-Star & 2-Star
The best 1-Star and 2-Star Legendary Gems for Wizards are:
- Everlasting Torment – gives critical hits Agony, dealing damage over time and increasing your base attack speed.
- Berserker’s Eye – increases outgoing damage dealt at the cost of increasing incoming damage.
- Lightning Core – adds chain lightning to your attacks.
- Fervant Fang – a battle pass gem that provides bonus single target damage and more damage versus elite monsters.
- Chained Death – increases damage done based on the number of targets hit.
- Power & Command – rotates between boosting your primary attack damage and skill damage.
The best 5-Star Legendary Gems for Wizards are:
- Blood-Soaked Jade – increases damage output and movement speed.
- Seeping Bile – gives attacks a chance to poison enemies, spreading and slowing their movement speed.
- Chip of Stone Flesh – curses enemies who lose control, causing them to take increased damage and explode.
- Phoenix Ashes – prevents fatal damage and creates a shield to absorb damage.
- Echoing Shade – gives attacks a chance to summon a shadow clone that deals damage and has some of your attributes.
- Howler’s Call – gives primary attacks a chance to summon a charging wolf that damages and stuns enemies.
- Bottled Hope – highly beneficial for PvP, especially if you prefer playing aggressive.
Regular Gems
- Tourmaline – Gives increased flat damage.
- Sapphire – Gives armor penetration.
- Topaz – Gives resistance.
- Intelligence – +1 Combat Rating, 0.3 Damage
- Fortitude – +1 Combat Rating, +0.1 Armor, +0.1 Armor Penetration
- Vitality – +1 Combat Ratings, +3 Life
- Willpower – +1 Combat Rating, +0.1 Potency, +0.1 Resistance
- Critical Hit Chance
- Critical Hit Damage
- All Skill Damage
The best Paragon tree for PvP is Gladiator, which is obtainable at level 50. We recommend putting 63 points into Gladiator and then putting the rest into Vanquisher. For Gladiator, work towards the Cheat Death node, which with your Phoenix Ashes will give you two cheat deaths. Pick up the Damage nodes in Vanquisher afterward for extra firepower.

Diablo Immortal is free-to-play and available on Google Play, the App Store, and