Ghost Song: Henriette The Changed One Boss Guide

Roslock Infestation makes an old foe a monster. Here's our guide on how to find and defeat Henriette The Changed One boss.

We’re still playing Ghost Song and wanted to offer another Boss Guide on one of the tougher story-critical enemies. Henriette is one of the more challenging bosses to defeat in Ghost Song if you don’t understand their mechanics. Read on for our Ghost Song: Henriette The Changed One Boss Guide.

Having trouble with Kellunhelk The Cracked Engineer? See our guide here.

Henriette The Changed One Location

Henriette The Changed One is close to where she first fought us as “The Learned Hunter,” now in Roslock Drift Gamma. Players will need the Ankle Spikes to upgrade from the Six-Finger Woods (top-left corner of the game map) to reach this place.

Ghost Song: Henriette The Changed One Boss Guide
Screenshot via Gamer Digest/Ghost Song

Start by taking the alternate path into the Junkpit, the vertical shaft at the bottom left of the Lupoto area. Use the Wall Jump ability granted by the Ankle Spikes to climb the left wall and find an opening in the side. 

There’s a Save Point a couple of rooms past this that Players can use before they navigate Roslock Drift Gamma. A breakable ceiling leads back towards the start of the area to use as a boss shortcut. Henriette is waiting just before the next piece for The Gambler, and she’s gotten much stronger.

Beating Henriette The Changed One

To beat Henriette, players must obtain the Skab Device Blaster Module and other helpful items like the Chill Crumbler Blaster Module and Molly’s Tweak. Henriette starts by fighting with her spears, throwing them 3 times in a row, or dashing towards you at close range. Avoid her attacks and use your Skab Device to continually attacks her with bugs.

Henriette can jump before running and additional chain dashes, so don’t get caught off guard. She’ll also passively spawn Tracking Spores to keep us distracted.

Obtaining the Skab Device Blaster Module in Ghost Song

Henriette has gotten tougher. A lot of our weapons didn’t deal much damage. We did find 1 that worked very well, though, the Skab Device Blaster Module. This weapon is hidden in Rote-Shotter (above and left of the Crash Site, past Blake’s Stroll). Go to the top left corner of the area and find the breakable wall in the dead-end pit.

Ghost Song: Henriette The Changed One Boss Guide
Scab Device Location in Ghost Song

The Skab Device fires eggs, which hatch into some sort of bee. Hitting enemies with these eggs will cause the bees to attack them, dealing contact damage rapidly. On top of dealing damage over time, these bees will kill off the Tracking Spores when she stands still to spawn them actively. Like Liselle Tal before her, this is a good opportunity to deal damage.

Ghost Song: Henriette The Changed One Boss Guide
Screenshot via Gamer Digest/Ghost Song

Henriette adds more moves as the fight continues, including the Spores attack and a ground-slam that fires off a shockwave across the floor. Near the end of the fight, she’ll start supercharging her spears; listen for a humming sound and a shout before the first throw. 

Helpful Items for Henriette The Changed One

Using the below weapons and modules will help you in your fight against Henriette The Changed One.


Other helpful weapons are the Chill Crumbler Blaster Module (Six-Finger Woods Miniboss) and the Hudson Goodshot Special Weapon from Gili’s questline. The Chill Crumbler deals fair damage, and the spread helps thin out the Tracking Spores. The Hudson Goodshot hits like a bus but is slower and takes Energy and Stamina to fire.

Suit Modules

Good Suit Modules for this fight include Molly’s Tweak (exhaust Molly’s dialogue each day) and Liferun (Six-Finger Woods, top room). Molly’s Tweak grants more GunPower and overheats the Blaster faster to get the most out of the Chill Crumbler. Liferun recharges Suit Energy when Sprinting; the arena is large enough to use this frequently.

Henriette The Changed One Reward

When Henriette is defeated, this time for real–she drops the Suntouch Suit Module. This grants a life-steal effect to melee attacks. Having another way to heal is a big boon, especially for aggressive Players.

This was our Boss Fight Guide for Henriette Scuttle the Changed One. We wish Players luck as the game approaches its end.

Want more powerful weapons? Here’s how to get the Flowersong Blaster Module.