How to Get the Shako in Diablo 4

Here's how to find the legendary Harlequin Crest, also known as the Shako, in Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 includes many well-known weapons from previous games in the Diablo series. Some of the most famous examples include the Grandfather sword, Andariel’s Visage, Windforce, and the Shako. In this guide, we’ll explain how to get the Shako, or Harlequin Crest, in Diablo 4. 

How to Get the Shako in Diablo 4

The Harlequin Crest, also known as the Shako, is an Ancestral Unique item that can be obtained anywhere in World Tier 4. The Shako is extremely rare, as confirmed by Blizzard community manager Adam Fletcher on Twitter.

You have the best chances of getting Ancestral Helmets by doing Helltide events and opening the Tortured Gift of Helmets or by doing the Tree of Whispers and choosing the Helmet cache. Outside of these two events, you can run Nightmare Dungeons, kill World Bosses, and kill any enemy in the game for a chance at the item. Lastly, using Murmuring Obols, you can gamble for Helmets in World Tier 4 at the Purveyor of Curiosities. 

As mentioned, Ancestral Unique items are the most rare item type in the game, so it will take you a lot of farming to get your hands on one! You will inevitably find one using all three of the above methods and slaying demons as usual, but it’s a matter of how lucky you get.

Diablo 4 Harlequin Crest Stats

Harlequin Crest (Shako) is an Ancestral Unique item with the following stats:

  • +1,141-2,119 Maximum Life
  • 6.5-14.6% Cooldown Reduction
  • 7.5-18.5% Resource Generation
  • +42 All Stats
  • Gain 10-20% Damage Reduction
  • +4 Ranks to all Skills

That’s how to find the Shako, or Harlequin Crest, in Diablo 4. The same goes for any other Ancestral Unique item in the game, including those highly sought-after uniques from Diablo 2.