Idle Berserker Builds: Farm & Boss (April 2024)

These are the best Idle Berserker builds for farming and boss-killing, including optimal loadouts for Masteries and Skills.

There are over two dozen active and passive skills in Idle Berserker, and the Masteries loadouts also make it so you can create different builds depending on your activities. We put together the best Idle Berserker builds for boss-killing and item farming, so you can follow along if you want to optimize your grind.

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Idle Berserker Builds

You want to optimize for two primary builds in Idle Berserker: farming and boss-killing. Farming is all about grinding for items and Diamonds so you can buy all the costumes and use the remaining Diamonds on summoning weapons. Boss-killing is all about dealing as much boss damage as possible in dungeons and in story progression.

Idle Berserker Farm Build:

  • Masteries: Gold Rate, Experience Rate, Attack Speed
  • Active Skills: Bloody Blades, Judgment of Evil, Evil Grip, Blizzard
  • Passive Skills: Lust for Blood, Contract of Chaos, Embodiment of the Abyss, Fest of Blood (Awakened)
  • Awakening Ability: Item Drop Rate
  • Gear Stats: Item Drop Rate

The build focuses on optimizing for Item Drop Rate. You shouldn’t worry about spending too much currency getting the right Awakening Abilities, so SR Item Drop Rate will suffice. You should farm with this build on the highest difficulty possible while still one-shotting enemies. Or, you can farm on King 3-6 if you’re trying to grind out SSR gear.

Idle Berserker Boss Build:

  • Masteries: Critical Chance, Critical Damage, Attack Speed, Boss Damage, Amplify Attack
  • Active Skills: Momentum of the Berserker, Orb of Silence, Blizzard, Contempt
  • Passive Skills: Lust for Blood, Dance of Corruption, Survival of the Fittest
  • Awakening Ability: Attack
  • Gear Stats: Critical Chance, Attack Speed

You can squeeze out some more damage in Manual mode. Activate all Skills immediately except for Orb of Silence. Activate Orb of Silence about 5 seconds into the fight (right before Berserk goes active). After that point, activate all skills as they come off cooldown.

As a side note, the boss build will not work on the Guild Conquest Boss, but that does not mean you still cannot use it. You can swap in the Immortality passive to get an extra 3.6 seconds of damage.

There you have it, those are the best Idle Berserker builds right now. We’ll update this section if the meta changes in future updates. For more guides, visit our Idle Berserker section!