No Man’s Sky Waypoint (4.0) Update Details and Trailer

Here's everything you need to know about the No Man's Sky Waypoint (4.0) Update.

No Man’s Sky is a bit of a boomerang. The title launched in 2016, only for players to learn the game wasn’t what they’d expected. In response, the Hello Games kept working, spending years on the title. Today it is the success story the devs, and the fans originally wanted it to be. That saga continues today with No Man’s Sky’s 21st free update: Waypoint. Here’s what we know about the No Man’s Sky: 4.0 Waypoint update.

No Man’s Sky Waypoint (4.0) Update Details and Trailer

No Man’s Sky’s 4.0 Waypoint update releases on October 7, 2022, and brings new game modes and redesigns of existing mechanics in this sci-fi sandbox game. With No Man’s Sky releasing on the Switch this same day, they’re hoping to make the game more approachable.

Check out the trailer for No Man’s Sky Waypoint Update here:

What’s Different With the Waypoint Update?

The game difficulty is now massively customizable, allowing players to better tailor the game to their interests. Not interested in scrounging for resources? Make them more plentiful. Find combat stressful on the ground but boring in the sky? Tweak both in 2 minutes. 

For players that find the entire experience frustrating, there’s the new Relaxed Mode. This mode focuses on bringing everything the game offers to players who previously didn’t enjoy it. Threats and repetition are down; rewards are up—best of all, more inventory slots for everyone. From personal suits to freight vessels, all this and more are available today.

For gamers that want to dig into the finer details of the update, visit the No Man Sky Website for the full patch notes.

More inventory slots? There goes my last excuse not to try it again. Read our News Section for more gaming updates.