Paragon The Overprime Tier List (April 2024)

See our Paragon: The Overprime tier list to figure out who you should main in the new 3rd person MOBA.

There are 26 characters in the third-person MOBA, Paragon: The Overprime. Whether you like to play support, DPS, or tank, you’ll want to know how each character stacks up in the game. If you’re deciding on who to choose as your main, there’s no better place to look than our Paragon The Overprime Tier List.

Developed by Netmarble F&C and Team SoulEve, Paragon: The Overprime requires you to work with teammates to push lanes and ultimately destroy the enemy team. Like many tier lists, this tier list is subjective and based on the game’s current state, community input, and personal playtime. If you disagree, let us know in the comments section below. We will update this tier list when the game is updated.

Paragon The Overprime Tier List

  • S-Tier: Gadget, Rampage, Revenant, Narbash
  • A-Tier: Howitzer, Wraith, Twinblast, Grux, Murdock, The Fey
  • B-Tier: Phase, Steel, Kwang, Sparrow, Serath, Muriel
  • C-Tier: Khaimera, Belica, Kallari, Feng Mao
  • D-Tier: Dekker, Sevarog, Countess, Shinbi, Aurora
  • F Tier: Gideon


Paragon The Overprime Tier List
Image via Netmarble F&C and Team SoulEve

Gadget is an S-Tier Caster with powerful area-of-effect abilities. With a high DPS output, team debuff and buffs Gadget is adept at nuking an area and changing where the battle takes place. Currently, she is clearly one of, if not the best Caster in the game.


Paragon The Overprime Tier List
Image via Netmarble F&C and Team SoulEve

Rampage is a powerful tank with great mobility with his RMB, Menacing Arrival. With a ranged finisher, powerful armor and huge pool of HP, he is by far the prefered tank for many people playing Paragon right now.


Image via Netmarble F&C and Team SoulEve

Revenent is a Ranger capable of dealing out insane amounts of damage over a short period of time. Revenent has amazing single-entity killing power with his ult, Abysmal Prison, and can get the final blow on the enemy to carry his team to victory.


Image via Netmarble F&C and Team SoulEve

If you are looking to play support with the ability to Jungle and also deal out some damage, than Narbash is your character. With healing you can toggle on and off via his Inspirational Anthem ability, Narbash has the versitility many teams need to win.

Remember–the best hero will come down to your playstyle. While you can use our Paragon The Overprime Tier list as a loose guide on who to choose when playing, at the end of the day your chosen character will come down to personal preference.

You can get Paragon: The Overprime on Steam.

For more tier lists and guides, see our Guides Section.