On January 24, 2015, at 3:18 p.m., PlanetSide 2 broke the Guinness World Record for “most players in an online FPS battle” when 1,158 players concurrently battled it out in a single server.
Today, Daybreak Game Company plans to break the record again in anticipation of PlanetSide 2’s 10th anniversary. And you can help make that happen. At 5 p.m. EST, gamers on PlayStation 4 or PC can participate in the event by joining in on the playtest.
Fans of the free-to-play MMO first-person from Rogue Planet Games and Daybreak Game Company can also playtest the upcoming changes planned to release in November. Participants will also get a special in-game title for helping smash the record.
For those unfamiliar with the game, PlanetSide 2 features large-scale battles supporting up to 2,000 players on a single map. Players join one of three factions: New Conglomerate (NC), Terran Republic (TR), and Vanu Sovereignty (VS). The three factions fight for territorial control over Auraxis.

There are six classes to choose from: Light Assault, Infiltrator, Combat Medic, Engineer, Heavy Assault, and MAX. Each class has unique abilities and serves a specific role on the battlefield. Due to the game’s scale, in-game communication and cooperation between the 48-man platoons are key.
The PlanetSide 2 playtest event starts on November 5 at 2 p.m. PT / 5 p.m. ET. You can download the free-to-play shooter for PC and PlayStation 4 at the official PlanetSide 2 website.