There are a total of 23 different exclusive Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet. You will likely want to get them all as soon as possible so that you can trade them with folks who have Pokemon Violet. Let’s dive into the list of all the exclusive Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and the locations of where to find them, according to the PokeDex.
For the alternate version of the game, check out the list of all the Pokemon Violet Exclusive Pokemon.
All Pokemon Scarlet Exclusive Pokemon
- Armarouge
- Brute Bonnet
- Charcadet
- Deino
- Dragalge
- Drifblim
- Drifloon
- Flutter Mane
- Great Tusk
- Hydreigon
- Koraidon
- Larvitar
- Oranguru
- Pupitar
- Roaring Moon
- Sandy Shocks
- Scream Tail
- Skrelp
- Skuntank
- Slither Wing
- Stonjourner
- Stunky
- Tyranitar
- Zweilous
Armarouge is a Fire-type Fire Warrior Pokemon, and the evolved form of Charcadet. You can evolve Charcadet into Armarouge using Auspicious Armor. Bring 10 Bronzor Fragments to the NPC in Zapapico (East) to get the Auspicious Armor, and use it on Charcadet to evolve the Pokemon.

Brute Bonnet
Brute Bonnet is a Grass- and Dark-type Pokemon and its habitat is unknown.

Charcadet is a Fire-type Pokemon that lives in many parts of Paldea, but is very rarely seen.

Deino is a Dark- and Dragon-type Pokemon that lives in caves. It’s found in caves in the northeast and southwest regions of Paldea.

Dragalge is a Poison- and Dragon-type Pokemon that lives in the sea and surfaces to bask in the sunlight. You can find Dragalge in the waters along the northern coast of Paldea.

Drifblim is a Ghost- and Flying-type Pokemon who lives in mountainous areas and towns and only appears at night.

Drifloon is a Ghost- and Flying-type Pokemon that lives in mountainous areas and towns and only appears at night.

Flutter Mane
Flutter Mane is a Ghost- and Fairy-type Pokemon and its habitat is unknown.

Great Tusk
Great Tusk is a Ground- and Fighting-type Pokemon, and its habitat is unknown.

Hydreigon is a Dark- and Dragon-type Pokemon with an unknown Habitat.

Koraidon is a Fighting- and Dragon-type Pokemon, and its habitat is unknown.

Larvitar is a Rock- and Ground-type Pokemon that lives in caves, enjoys the shade, and is rarely seen.

Oranguru is a Normal- and Psychic-type Pokemon that spends its time up in trees and is rarely seen. You can find it in the northeast region of Paldea.

Pupitar is a Rock- and Ground-type Pokemon that lives in caves and is rarely seen. You can find it in the very southwest region of Paldea.

Roaring Moon
Roaring Moon is a Dragon- and Dark-type Pokemon, and its habitat is unknown.

Sandy Shocks
Sandy Shocks is an Electric- and Ground-type Pokemon, and its habitat is unknown.

Scream Tail
Scream Tail is a Fairy- and Psychic-type Pokemon, and its habitat is unknown.

Skrelp is a Poison- and Water-type Pokemon that lives in the sea, and surfaces to bask in the sunlight. You can find Skrelp in the water around the northern coast of Paldea.

Skuntank is a Poison- and Dark-type Pokemon appearing on land and living at Casseroya Lake.

Slither Wing
Slither Wing is a Bug- and Fighting-type Pokemon, and its habitat is unknown.

Stonjourner is a Rock-type Pokemon that lives in the Asado Desert, in the western Paldea region.

Stunky is a Poison- and Dark-type Pokemon that lives in many parts of Paldea.

Tyranitar is a Rock- and Dark-type Pokemon with an unknown habitat.

Zweilous is a Dark- and Dragon-type Pokemon that lives in caves and is rarely seen. You can find it in select caves in the northeast portion of Paldea.

Those are all the exclusive Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet (Pokemon SV). You can check out our Pokemon Section for more guides and walkthroughs for Pokemon SV and other Pokemon games.