Rough Justice ’84 Release Date, Trailer, and Details

Rough Justice ’84 is a single-player strategy game based on American board games from the 1980s. 

If you’re into the 80s, cop shows, or strategy games, you should put the upcoming game developed by Gamma Minus and published by Daedalic Entertainment, Rough Justice ’84, on your radar. In the game, players are set in Seneca City, a degenerate and corrupt metro dominated by crime. Players must hire and manage a diverse crew of security agents, bounty hunters, and repo specialists to complete story missions. 

Rough Justice ’84 Release Date

Those looking to play a retro 80’s inspired crime game don’t have to wait too long. Rough Justice ’84 releases on March 13, 2023, for PC on the Epic Games Store and Steam. 

Rough Justice ’84 Trailer

The Rough Justice ’84 Trailer is dripping with 80s nostalgia. From the soundtrack to the storylines, it doesn’t get much more retro than this. 

The trailer sets the backdrop of the storyline. You’ll be playing Jim Baylor, a supercop framed for murder. Now you’re back to assemble a team to clean up the city. 

Rough Justice ’84 Gameplay Details

Rough Justice ’84 is a strategy and board game with text-based prompts and missions. If you like this style of game and are into the 80s detective/cop aesthetic, you’ll likely enjoy the game. 

Players receive a caseload with missions associated with Seneca City that they must complete. You’ll be tasked with assembling a diverse squad of detectives to complete each of these cases, which typically involve a puzzle, and making decisions, the results of which are dictated by a roll of the die. 

Players can add Rough Justice ’84 to their Steam Wishlists

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