Where to Find Moondew Nectar in Slime Rancher 2

Here's where to find Moondew Nectar in Slime Rancher 2, so you can feed your Flutter Slime!

If you’ve already come across the butterfly slime, also known as Flutter Slime, or the Flutter Gordo, you might be wondering how to feed it. It says it takes nectar, but where in the world do you get nectar? In this guide, we’ll show you where to find Moondew Nectar in Slime Rancher 2.

Moondew Nectar is a new type of food in Slime Rancher 2 and is in its own food category. It does not fall into the veggie, fruit, or meat category. Also, certain slimes like the Flutter Gordo only eat this food. As mentioned, this food was not in the original Slime Rancher, so read on below to learn about it.

Where to Find Moondew Nectar in Slime Rancher 2

Moondew Nectar drops from the white flowers in Starlight Strand during nighttime. Each white flower drops a single Moondew Nectar. The flowers grow overnight, so a good time to farm them is around 18:00 in-game time.

These flowers are located in the southern area of Starlight Strand, and you’ll see lots of Flutter Slimes around the area. You can typically find them underneath the pink bonsai trees in Starlight Strand during the night. Refer to the map below if you want to see the location where we found Moondew Nectar.

Where to Find Moondew Nectar in Slime Rancher 2
Screenshot via Gamer Digest/Slime Rancher 2

There may be additional locations in the game, but this is the earliest we were able to find them. Now, you can make use of your Flutter Slime and start collecting the Flutter Plort!

Reportedly, is it not possible to grow Moondew Nectar. You will need to visit the locations mentioned above to farm it. Furthermore, you may want to combine Flutter Slime with Cotton Slime to make the most out of their Plort.

For more guides and walkthroughs, visit our website’s Slime Rancher 2 Section for more information.