Team17 and Lichthund Join Forces for New Game

Team17 Digital, the video game publisher with a portfolio of nearly 150 games, has recently announced a partnership with Lichthund, an award-winning development studio based in Warsaw. Lichthund, known for its innovative approach to game design, gained recognition in 2016 with its debut title, Lichtspeer, a game that combines fast-paced action with lightspear throwing mechanics.

There are a few details for the new game that Team17 and Lichthund are working on, but it is in development for PC and consoles and is expected to reflect the unique and idiosyncratic styles of both companies.

Michael Pattison, CEO of Team17 Digital, expressed enthusiasm about the partnership, stating, 

I and the rest of Team17 Digital are excited to be working with Lichthund on their next title, which promises to be as unique as their debut release.

He further emphasized Team17 Digital’s mission to assist exceptional developers in delivering diverse indie games.

Rafal Zaremba, CEO of Lichthund, also shared his excitement about the collaboration, highlighting the importance of partnering with a publisher that aligns with their creative vision. He stated, 

Together, we are committed to raising the bar in terms of production values and creating a game that will captivate and immerse players in a new and exciting experience.

While further details about the upcoming game are yet to be revealed, the partnership between Team17 Digital and Lichthund is a promising development in the gaming industry, indicating the potential for the next indie hit.

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