The Elder Scrolls Online is Free on Epic Games

If you've always wanted to play The Elder Scrolls Online but didn't want to buy it, it's now free on the Epic Games Store.

The Elder Scrolls Online is an online open-world MMORPG set in the fantasy land of Tamriel. Originally released all the way back in 2014, the game has seen several updates, including the latest Necrom chapter of the game. 

Now, players can hop into the world of The Elder Scrolls Online for free by visiting the Epic Games Store page. Typically, the game costs around $19.99. 

Watch the trailer for The Elder Scrolls Online Necrom update below: 

Developed by ZeniMax Online Studios and published by Bethesda, ESO has become a mainstay for a fairly large audience, with the game able to pull in anywhere from 10 to 20,000 concurrent players on Steam at any given time.

In ESO, players can embark on various quests and raids with party sizes up to 24 players at any given time. With various in-game activities, including World events, the game has attained wide critical and player praise throughout its nearly 10 years in development. 

Enjoyed by 22 million players worldwide, it’s great that players can now gain access to the title for free.  

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