Roblox game developers love rewarding their communities with free stuff. Keeping track of all the freebies can be a daunting task, though, and that’s why we created our Anime Fighters Simulator codes list so you can get all the free boost codes in one convenient location.
If you are wondering what Anime Fighters codes are, it’s simple—they are things you can redeem in-game for free stuff. You can use them to get boosts, which you can use to get bonus damage, luck, and more yen. These Anime Fighters codes are helpful if you want to level up faster and get the best fighters.
Anime Fighters is one of the top anime-themed Roblox games in the metaverse. It is also one of the top overall games, period. Players try and collect the best heroes and train them to max out their levels and discover new and more difficult worlds. By the way, if you are a fan of freebies, consider checking out our All Star Tower Defense codes.
April 13 2024: We checked for new Anime Fighters Simulator codes.
Anime Fighters Simulator Codes
Active Anime Fighters Simulator codes:
- PreEasterEggs!: 3 Passive Transfer Token, 2 Super Time Boost, 3 Passive Luck Boost
- GoHUpdate!: 1 Gate Coin, 3 Passive Transfer Tokens, 2 Passive Luck Boosts
- JoinLoyals!: 5 Passive Transfer Tokens
- UPDATE58!: 5 Passive Transfer Tokens
- PASSIVELUCK!: 3 Passive Luck Boosts
- Update57!: 3 Passive Transfer Tokens, 2 Passive Luck Boosts
- BossStudioLoyals: 10 Passive Transfer Tokens, 5 Passive Luck Boosts
- 20KWEUP!: 5 Passive Transfer Tokens, 5 Shiny Boosts, 5 Passive Luck Boosts
- KoroFightersSim!: 3 Passive Transfer Tokens, 3 Shiny Boosts, 3 Passive Luck Boosts, 3 Grimoire Tokens
- VALENTINE: 10 Passive Transfer Tokens, 10 Passive Luck Boost, 10 Shiny Boost, 10 Grimoire Tokens
- Special15K: 5 Passive Transfer Token, 50 Winter Passive Tokens, 3 Shiny Boosts, 3 Passive Lucky Potions, 5 Grimoire Tokens
- BirthdayBoss19: 3 Passive Transfer Tokens, 3 Shiny Boosts, 2 Passive Luck Boost, 2 Grimoire Token
- AFSComeback?: 3 Passive Transfer Tokens, 40 Winter 2023 Passive Tokens, 2 Grimoire Tokens
- WinterEvent: 2 Passive Transfer Tokens, 40 Winter 2023 Passive Tokens, 2 Grimoire Tokens, 2 Clone Tokens
- CreationAnniversary: 3 Super Luck Boosts, 2 Shiny Boosts, 2 Transfer Tokens, 2 Grimoire Tokens
- AFS2024!: 3 Super Luck Boosts, 5 Shiny Boosts, 5 Transfer Tokens, 5 Grimoire Tokens
- HappyChristmas!: 2 Grimoire Tokens, 2 Transfer Tokens, 2 Shiny Boosts
- DelayApology: 5 Shiny Boost, 2 Grimoire Tokens, 2 Passive Tokens
- UPDATE51: Boosts
- DelayUPD51: 2 Grimoire Tokens
- SuperApology: 6 Passive Transfer Tokens
- Pregame_U8zKL: 10 Passive Transfer Tokens
- TRANSFERS!: Boosts (Normal mode)
- SHINIES!: Boosts (Hardcore mode)
- ZnxCvb9: Boosts
- SorryForBugs: 2 Super Luck Boosts, 2 Super Drop Boosts
- AFSUpd50: Boosts (Normal mode)
- 2DaMoon: Boosts (Hardcore mode)
- @brandonha_0210: 2 Transfer Tokens, 2 Super Drop Boost, 2 Super Luck Boost, 2 Super Time Boosts
- CastlevaniaHype: 5 Transfer Tokens
- Update49: 3 Super Luck Boost, 1 Super Drop Boost, 2 Super Time Boost
- !Update48!: 2 Super Time Boosts, 2 Super Drop Boosts
- HAPPYHALLOWEEN: 5 Passive Transfer Tokens
- DelayedHalloween: 5 Transfer Tokens
- !Update47!: 5 Passive Transfer Tokens, 2 Super Luck Boost, 2 Super Time Boost, 2 Super Drop Boosts
- !Update46!: 2 Passive Transfer Tokens, 2 Super Drop Boosts, 2 Super Time Boosts,
- 1MILLIONLIKES!: 10 Passive Transfer Tokens, 1 Super Drop Boost
- SorryUpdate46!: 5 Transfer Tokens, 2 Super Time Boosts
- UPDATE45!: 5 Transfer Tokens
- SuperTime: 1 Super Time Boost
- CommunityDecision: 2 Transfer Tokens
- SorryForDelay!!!: 2 Transfer Tokens
- Update44Released: 1 Super Time Boost
- Kekeke: Loot
- QOLChanges!: 1 Passive Transfer Token, Dungeon Reset, Time Boost
- Update44!: 1 Passive Transfer Token
- QOLPatch: Super Time/Luck Boosts
- DungeonCDRESET: Dungeon Reset
- Update41: Super Time/Luck Boosts
- SaopauloW: Super Time/Damage/Luck Boosts
- ResetDungeonCD: Dungeon Reset
- BlastOff2023: Super Time/Luck Boosts
- BuffPatch: Super Time Boost
- Update40!: Time Boost
- Summer2023!: Summer Reroll Token
- InfiniteBalance: Super Drop Boost
- INFINITYpatch: Luck Boost, 2 Clone Tokens, 1 Avatar Coin, Dungeon Reset
- SorryDelay: 2 Clone Tokens, Dungeon Reset
- UPD37!: 2 Avatar Coins, Dungeon Summon & Reset
- DungeonRecovery: Boosts, Dungeon Tokens
- DataFixed?: 2 Avatar Coins
- 100KPlayers: 3 Clone Tokens
- BrazilOnTOP: free boosts
- KingIsBack: free boosts
- 25kPlayers!: free boosts
- SubToFminusmic: free boosts
- AFSComeback: free boosts
- !BOSSSTUDIO!: free boosts
- CALEBSHELLO: free boosts
- Insane1Million: free boosts
- BillionVisits: free boosts
- TheAbyss: free boosts
- Insane1Million: free boosts
- UpdateDelaySad: free boosts
- WorldAtWar: free boosts
- DungeonRefund3: cooldown reset
- SummerEvent2: free boosts
- DungeonRefund2: free dungeon ticket
- DungeonRefund: free dungeon ticket
- SummerEvent: free boosts
- 1MilFaves: free boosts
- Sulley1M: free boosts
Expired Anime Fighters Simulator codes:
- MiniUpdatePog
- SoulAcademy
- Thanks900k
- AFSAnniversay
- LandOfHeroes
- SorcererEmpire
- LandOfGuts
- FashionRaid
- FashionEmpire
- WorldOfGames
- OrcaPrison
- Update25.3
- PassiveBug
- PassiveBug2
- TimeTravelTokyo
- NinjaCityRaid
- NinjaCity
- 800klikes
- TheHole
- PsychicCity
- Underworld
- bruhmoment
- IceWastes
- KingdomFour
- DivineColosseum
- 700klikes
- 2k22
- HalfBillion
- FourthOfJuly
- Christmas
- Thanksgiving
- Thanks600k
- SlimeyIsland
- AlchemyLand
- LuckIsland
- SCity
- Pog400k
- 200milcrazy
- Insane200k
- CurseHigh

What are Roblox Anime Fighters Simulator codes?
Anime Fighters codes are a string of letters and numbers given out by the game’s developers. Codes are generally only available for a limited time and reward players with in-game boosts, raid tickets, tokens, and more.
How do I redeem codes for Anime Fighters?
Roblox players can redeem codes in Anime Fighters Simulator by launching the game and tapping on the Twitter icon found on the left side of the screen. Enter a working code into the code redemption box and press the green arrow to claim your reward.
How do I get more Anime Fighters Simulator codes?
The best way to get new codes for Anime Fighters is by plugging into the Discord server and following the developers on Twitter. We monitor all of the known code distribution locations and add them to our code wiki here for your convenience.
To play Anime Fighters Simulator, download the Roblox application from Google Play and the App Store.