BitLife: How to Busk or Become a Street Performer

Busking, or being a street performer with an instrument, is one of the many side hustles you can do to earn cash in BitLife, the mobile life simulation game for Android and iOS. Sure, maybe it’s not the most profitable gig, but if you’re looking to live the life of a street hustler, this is one of the many tasks you can do to get by in life and improve your street smarts.

You may have some questions if you’ve never gone the hustler route in BitLife. We’re here to walk you through how it works and give tips about making the most money in your new Bitizen hustler life. The street hustler update was actually added to BitLife back in June, so now is as good a time as any to brush up on your skills.

How to Busk in BitLife

Here’s how to become a busker in BitLife:

  1. Start practicing an instrument from a young age. Continue practicing your instrument of choice until you max out your skill.
  2. Age up to 18 years old and go to the Specials Career tab to become a Street Hustler. Pick a location that has high traffic and low crime and police.
  3. Go into the Job section, Hustles, and choose Busker. Select the instrument you’ve been practicing with as a child, and start busking.

As for some tips, we recommend practicing your instrument as early as possible, at age 6. It helps if you were born with the musical talent ability because this will increase your instrument skills much more quickly. When you master your skills, you can age up to age 18, so you can become a street hustler.

There are no real requirements to become a street hustler, so you can head into the Jobs section, choose Special Careers, and then Street Hustler. You’ll then have to pick a street you want to hustle on, and we recommend selecting one with high traffic without much crime or police. Too much crime means you can get your cash stolen, and too many cops translate to higher odds of being busted.

Believe it or not, being a busker can actually be crazy profitable. You can bring home six figures a year if your skills with the instrument as good enough. Regardless of how it turns out for you, now you know how to become a busker in BitLife. Head to our BitLife Challenges page to see what other skills you need to master.