How to Complete the Occult Ritual in Destiny 2

Has the Occult Ritual in Destiny 2 got you stumped? Here's how you can complete it and the rewards it offers.

During the most spooky time of the year, Destiny 2’s Festival of the Lost is upon us. With it, just like in real life, players can don their masks and participate in the festivities. Along with the fun of wearing masks and hanging out in the Tower, however, there are certain challenges that players will need to complete during the limited time the event is here. One of these challenges is called Occult Ritual, and it tasks players with the very vague “Complete Ritual Activities.” But what does this mean, and how can players complete the Occult Ritual in Destiny 2?

How to Complete the Occult Ritual in Destiny 2

To complete the Occult Ritual Quest in Destiny 2, fill up the progress bar to 100% by completing playlist activity StrikesGambit, and Crucible. The reward for the Occult Ritual in Destiny 2 is the Riven Mask skin for the Masquerader’s Helm

Each activity gives a certain percentage of progress:

  • Strikes: 4%
  • Gambit: 3%
  • Crucible 3%
Riven Mask, Destiny 2

Fans of Destiny 2 know that Bungie loves to give players quests and challenges that take a long time to do activities over and over again. This is no different for the Occult Ritual Challenge. 

Players must do at least 25 strikes in the playlist to complete this challenge. Players should pick the activity they like the best and just play the game to make this less arduous. With enough time playing the game, the progress of this challenge will come naturally, and players will be able to claim the rewards.

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