How to Get Telluric Pearls in Diablo Immortal

Here's everything you need to know about Telluric Pearls in Diablo Immortal, including all the ways to get them and how they work.

Diablo Immortal players have long awaited new methods of acquiring precious five-star legendary gems, and the October 12 patch introduced a new way to get them. By using Telluric Pearls, players can visit the Master Jeweler to craft a Legendary gem of their choosing. The rub is that these Pearls are not easy to get. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get Telluric Pearls in Diablo Immortal and how they work.

How to Get Telluric Pearls in Diablo Immortal

Here’s how to get Telluric Pearls in Diablo Immortal:

  • Hilts Vendor: one per week
  • Rift-Runner’s Supplies: four per week
  • Seeker’s Supplies: four per week
  • Limited-Time Events: varies per event

Free-to-play players must visit the Hilts Vendor once per week for 40 weeks to get enough pearls to craft their preferred Legendary gem. That is, of course, assuming no limited-time events. When writing, the Infernal Knowledge and Scouring the Darkness events do not offer players any Telluric Pearl rewards. However, future events will likely include them.

Diablo Immortal Hilts Trader Telluric Pearl

Players who don’t mind spending money can open up the in-game shop and purchase the Rift-Runner’s Supplies bundle once weekly for $9.99. Similarly, the Seeker’s Supplies bundle can also be purchased twice weekly for $5.99 a piece, with each bundle containing two pearls for a total of four per week.

How to Use Telluric Pearls in Diablo Immortal

To use Telluric Pearls, you’ll first need to obtain 40 of them and then visit the Master Jeweler in Westmarch. At the Master Jeweler, you can use 40 Telluric Pearls to craft any of the following five-star Legendary Gems:

  • Phoenix Ashes
  • Chip of Stoned Flesh
  • Frozen Heart
  • Howler’s Call
  • Seeping Bile
  • Blessing of the Worthy
  • Blood-Soaked Jade
  • Echoing Shade
  • Bottled Hope
  • Zwenson’s Haunting
How to Get Telluric Pearls in Diablo Immortal

Vic, Westmarch’s Master Jeweler, will not speak with you until you’ve obtained the 40 Telluric Pearls required to make one of the gems above.

There you have it; that’s everything you need to know about how to get Telluric Pearls in Diablo Immortal and how they work. It may not be easy to obtain them, but it’s a great way to get a Legendary five-star gem of your choice without spending any real money if you’re patient enough.

For more guides and walkthroughs, visit our Diablo Immortal Section.