Fans of Dragon Ball eagerly await Dragon Ball: The Breakers, an asymmetrical survival game similar to Dead by Daylight. In Dragon Ball: The Breakers, 7 survivors must work together to leave a Temporal Seam while being targeted by The Raider, a powerful entity that can easily overpower them. However, with the game coming out for multiple systems, including PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, players are wondering if the game will support crossplay. Here is everything we know about Dragon Ball: The Breakers crossplay support.
Is Dragon Ball: The Breakers Crossplay?
According to an interview with Siliconera, Dragon Ball: The Breakers producer Ryosuke Hara was asked if the game would support crossplay. The answer given was, “There is no plan to support cross-platform and cross-save at the moment.”
This means that you won’t be able to play with other players on different platforms, and you can’t save progress from one platform to another.
This answer makes it clear that there are no plans for crossplay as of now. However, there is always potential for it to change in the future. While this answer may not be the one that fans were hoping for, players will still be able to have a choice to play on multiple systems.
Dragon Ball: The Breakers Release Date
There is not much time left for gamers to wait for their opportunity to survive the Temporal Seam and defeat The Raider with their team in this exciting game. Fans of the Dragon Ball series will be able to pick up Dragon Ball: The Breakers when it releases this month on October 14, 2022.
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