Echoes of Mana Characters List

We have the complete list of Echoes of Mana characters, along with their rarity, element, weapon, and the Mana game where they originated.

There are dozens of characters available to summon and put into your party in Echoes of Mana, the new free-to-play 2D mobile RPG from Square Enix. Characters include newcomers and fan-favorites from previous games in the Mana series, including Trials of Mana, Legend of Mana, Adventures of Mana, Secret of Mana, Dawn of Mana, and Children of Mana.

In addition to characters from previous titles, there are a handful of Echoes of Mana originals like Duffle, Honeycomb, Blainchet, Raxa, Mousseline, and the main characters, Quilto and Quilta. Below is a complete list of all characters in Echoes of Mana, including their rarity, element, and weapon.

Echoes of Mana Characters

There are currently 48 characters from seven different games in Echoes of Mana. These characters belong to one of eight elements and can start with one of nine weapon types. Below is a complete list of all the characters in Echoes of Mana so far.

Echoes of Mana Characters List

Character NameRarityElementWeaponGame
Crimson Wizard (Flaming Dark Magic)5★FireStaffTrials of Mana
Angela (Magic Power in Bloom)4★WaterStaffTrials of Mana
Duran (Thrilling Blade Flash)4★EarthSwordTrials of Mana
Popoi (Headed for the Home Village)4★FireBoomerangSecret of Mana
Riesz (Pride of Amazon)4★WindPolearmTrials of Mana
Shiloh (Encounter Sprung from a Seed)4★DarkSwordLegend of Mana
Sumo (Overcoming Myriad Farewells)4★LightSwordAdventures of Mana
Amanda (For Affection’s Sake)3★WindKnifeAdventures of Mana
Angela (Rebelling Against Fate)3★FireStaffTrials of Mana
Charlotte (Fifteen in the Flush of Youth)3★LightFlailTrials of Mana
Dark Lord (Knight in Brutal Armor)3★DarkSwordAdventures of Mana
Duran (Young Soldier of Valsena)3★FireSwordTrials of Mana
Ferrik (Beyond the Great Calamity)3★EarthSwordChildren of Mana
Hawkeye (Sentiments for a Friend)3★DarkKnifeTrials of Mana
Julius (Hidden Ambitions)3★FireStaffAdventures of Mana
Kevin (To Save a Friend)3★EarthGloveTrials of Mana
Lekius (Guardian’s Resolve)3★FireBowDawn of Mana
Lekius (Unwavering Friendship)3★WaterBowDawn of Mana
Ludgar (Body of Practical Study)3★DarkGloveTrials of Mana
Niccolo (Smile for Mew!)3★WindGloveLegend of Mana
Popoi (I’m the Boss!)3★EarthBowSecret of Mana
Primm (Lovely Rowdy Lass)3★WaterGloveSecret of Mana
Primm (Strong and Sweet)3★WindBoomerangSecret of Mana
Randi (Fate by Fluke)3★LightSwordSecret of Mana
Randi (In Fervor and Fearlessness)3★PolearmSecret of Mana
Riesz (Search for a Brother)3★WaterPolearmTrials of Mana
Serafina (A Sprouting Encounter)3★EarthBowLegend of Mana
Serafina (Guided by Calling Dreams)3★WaterPolearmLegend of Mana
Shiloh (Weaver of Fantasies)3★LightAxeLegend of Mana
Sierra (Proud Dragoon)3★LightKnifeLegend of Mana
Sumo (Swordsman Starting Out)3★WaterPolearmAdventures of Mana
Thanatos (Stealthy Shadow)3★DarkStaffSecret of Mana
Wanderer (The Niccolo Vagabond)3★EarthAxeChildren of Mana
Amanda2★EarthKnifeAdventures of Mana
Ben2★WaterKnifeTrials of Mana
Bil2★FireKnifeTrials of Mana
Blainchet2★WindBowEchoes of Mana
Dark Lord2★WaterSwordAdventures of Mana
Duffle2★FirePolearmEchoes of Mana
Ferrik2★WindSwordChildren of Mana
Honeycomb2★MoonStaffEchoes of Mana
Julius2★WindStaffAdventures of Mana
Ludgar2★EarthGloveTrials of Mana
Mousseline2★WoodStaffEchoes of Mana
Raxa2★WindGloveEchoes of Mana
Sierra2★WaterKnifeLegend of Mana
Thanatos2★FireStaffSecret of Mana
Quilto & Quilta1★LightPolearmEchoes of Mana

Characters have special techniques, two active skills, and two passive skills. Most characters are obtained through the in-game gacha system, where players can summon them for spirit crystals. Rotating banners feature rate-up chances for rolling characters during specific timeframes.

Each character comes equipped with base starting stats, which increase as you level, ascend, unleash, and equip gear and Memory Gems. The stats in Echoes of Mana are:

  • HP – Health/Hit Points
  • MP – Mana/Magic Points
  • STR – Physical Strength/Mega Spirit Magic Damage
  • INT – Intelligence/Magic Damage/Mega Spirit Magic Damage/Healing
  • CON – Physical Defense
  • SPR – Magic Defense
  • LCK – Luck (Crit %)

The list of characters will be updated as new ones are introduced to the game in future patches and content updates. Please comment below if any of the data is inaccurate or if you have anything useful to add.

Echoes of Mana is available on Google Play and the App Store.