Former Katamari Designer is Working on a New Game

This time we won't be rolling around as a massive ball

Japanese game designer Keita Takahashi, the original head designer of Katamari Damacy and the sequel, We Love Katamari, is currently working on a new game with Annapurna Interactive, the same company that brought us Stray. Here’s what we know so far about the upcoming title. 

We don’t know much about the new title; other than that it’s still very early in development, and Takashi is working towards building a team for the game. 

What we do know is that it’s not going to be a sequel to We Love Katamari, but instead an entirely new project with a similar yet contrasting art style. 

According to Keita Takashi’s official Twitter

In the teaser, it looks like you’ll be playing as a human character, with a dog, in a cartoon world with a colorful design aesthetic. Since the clip is literally only 30 seconds long, it’s hard to decipher exactly what you’ll be doing or what’s going on here, but we hope that it’s as innovative as his prior titles. 

See the clip for yourself here: 

When Can We Get Our Hands on the New Game?

It’s far too early to say when this game will be released, as game development cycles can sometimes take years to complete, and the team for this game hasn’t even started. However, what we can say, is that Takahashi last released a game back in 2019 called Wattam, a cute children’s game that encourages cooperation and teamwork. 

What we also hope is that this new title will carry on the same care-free aesthetic as previous games that Takahashi has worked on, but perhaps with more advanced gaming elements or a meatier and more meaningful story. 

Regardless of what Takahashi creates, we know we’ll love how it looks. 

We’ll keep you up-to-date with development on this and other games in our News Section