We’re still playing Ghost Song, and we’ve found more hidden weapons and bosses. Today we’re covering how to get the Flowersong Blaster Module from Spikemouth The Hateful in Ghost Song. The Flowersong Blaster Module is a powerful gun capable of discharging a powerful charged shot.
Ghost Song: Getting the Flowersong Blaster Module
To get the Flowersong Blaster Module in Ghost Song, players must get to Stoffbloom, find the hidden room, and defeat Spikemouth the Hateful.
Finding Spikemouth The Hateful
Flowersong is hidden in Stoffbloom, a couple of rooms from where you first meet Roper. This room has a pile of purple corpses in the background and a dead body slouched against the lower part of the far wall. This wall is breakable, revealing a path.
Follow the path, and you’ll be faced with 2 familiar purple enemies and one oddball sporting spikes in its mouth instead. Kill the other two first, then start shooting the third. After a few shots, it will transform to reveal Spikemouth The Hateful.

Defeating Spikemouth The Hateful
Thankfully Spikemouth is not as dangerous as some of the others we’ve covered here. Its main attack consists of walking or hopping toward the Player and firing salvos of spikes from its mouth like a shotgun. Players will at least have Phase Dash to dash through the boss and avoid the attacks.
The Plasma Burner Blaster Module is a good choice regarding weapons, as are melee attacks. Spikemouth takes low damage from standard Blaster shots, and our personal favorite, the Cloudburst Rifle, doesn’t do much better. Not only does the Plasma Burner deal good damage, but it can also ignite Spikemouth, like his more common brethren, to deal damage over time. It even overheats the Blaster easily for more powerful melee strikes.

After Spikemouth falls, the barriers blocking the boss arena will fade, and Players can reach an item on the far ledge. This is the Flowersong Blaster Module.
Using the Flowersong Blaster Module
Like other Blaster Modules, Players need to shut down (V) to equip the module, then rotate it through the equipped blasters before firing it (D). Flowersong can fire rapid shots like the standard Blaster or a more powerful charged shot. The charged shot takes a lot of energy to fire; use it wisely. Sometimes firing Flowersong will cause little flowers to appear that grant energy.
You might remember us mentioning “certain weapons” scaling off the Resolve stat in our earlier guide. With Flowersong, we’ve found our first example. The flavor text explicitly calls it a “weapon of the spirit,” and a Player with Resolve as their highest stat is classed as a “Lost Soul.” Our testing confirms it: the weapon deals more damage with a higher Resolve stat. Resolve is still a utility stat first, so don’t feel forced to put a lot of points in it.
That was our guide on how to get the Flowersong Blaster Module. We hope more Players find and appreciate Ghost Song in the coming days.
We’ve got more tips for this and other titles in our Guides Section.