Neural Cloud Tier List (April 2024)

Our Neural Cloud tier list ranks all the characters from best to worst with additional breakdowns per class.

There are many characters to choose from in Neural Cloud, with each one falling into one of five classes. If you’re looking to form the best team composition to breeze through the game, you’re probably wondering who’s worth the investment. In our Neural Cloud tier list, we rank all the characters in the game from best to worst.

Neural Cloud has been around for nearly a year in other regions, so we have a bunch of data that tells us who the best characters (dolls) are in the game. As always, we like to remind you that tier lists are subjective. However, according to the community, these are the best units in Neural Cloud.

Visit our Neural Cloud codes page to get free in-game items like coins, experience, and boosts while supplies last.

Neural Cloud Tier List

  • S-Tier: Croque, Sakuya, Angela, Aki, Nanaka, Persica, Hubble, Lam, Simo, Twigs
  • A-Tier: Evelyn, Souchun, Rise, Banxsy, Willow, Dushevnaya, Antonina, Betty, Chelsea, Gin, Max, Fresnel, Earhart
  • B-Tier: Bonee, Yanny, Zion, Mai, Abigail, Ksenia, Groove, Vee, Fern, Sol, Centaureissi, Florence, Jessie, Imhotep, Choco, Panakeia, Octogen

Guard Tier List

  • S-Tier: Croque
  • A-Tier: Evelyn, Souchun
  • B-Tier: Bonee, Yanny, Zion

Special Tier List

  • S-Tier: Sakuya, Angela
  • A-Tier: Rise, Banxsy, Willow, Dushevnaya, Antonina
  • B-Tier: Mai, Abigail, Ksenia, Groove

Fighter Tier List

  • S-Tier: Aki
  • A-Tier: Betty, Chelsea
  • B-Tier: Vee, Fern, Sol, Centaureissi

Medic Tier List

  • S-Tier: Nanaka, Persica
  • A-Tier: Gin
  • B-Tier: Florence, Jessie, Imhotep, Choco, Panakeia

Sniper Tier List

  • S-Tier: Hubble, Lam, Simo, Twigs
  • A-Tier: Max, Fresnel, Earhart
  • B-Tier: Octogen

How to Reroll in Neural Cloud

As soon as you launch Neural Cloud, make sure to choose the option to play as a guest. Linking your account to a Google, Twitter, or Facebook account will bind it, so you won’t be able to make another account with those credentials if you choose them and want to reroll. You can also use the salted email method via Sunborn ID. 

After you set up your guest account, play through the tutorial and skip through the intro. You will need to do your free basic and advanced rolls, and these characters are always the same. Claim everything in your email, including 20 free pulls for pre-registration and a free Willow (three-star control unit). Including the free ten pulls the game gives you, that’s a total of 30 pulls each time you reroll.

You can reroll in Neural Cloud by restarting the game and selecting Sunborn ID. The game will tell you you have an existing account that has yet to be bound. You can select Don’t Bind to set up a new account, then do the tutorial again and claim your free rolls.