Overwatch 2 Free-to-Play Characters: Full Character Roster

If you're new to Overwatch and don't plan on spending a cent, we have the full free-to-play Overwatch 2 characters list and roster for you.

With the release of Overwatch 2, the game moves into a free-to-play model. This is great, as it allows new players to enter the game. However, new players will only have a limited number of free-to-play heroes when they start their journey in Overwatch 2. This leads many F2P gamers to wonder what Overwatch 2 free-to-play characters they can play when they start the game. 

As part of the new First Time User Experience, or (FTUE), Blizzard has set it up so that free-to-play players must go through 100 matches to unlock all of the original 34 heroes of the game. In addition, they must reach Battle Pass Level 55 to unlock Kiriko, the newest support hero, for a total of 35 heroes.

Starting Overwatch 2 Free-to-Play Characters

For players that have never played the Overwatch series before, when they start out, they will have access to a roster of 15 different heroes. The game places heroes into 3 different roles, which include tanks that can protect their team, support heroes who can heal them, and DPS that can dish out the damage. 

Here are the Overwatch 2 Free-to-Play characters you can play at launch:


  • Pharah
  • Reaper
  • Soldier: 76
  • Sojourn (players must log in during Season 1)
  • Torbjörn
  • Tracer
  • Widowmaker


  • Junker Queen (players must log in during Season 1)
  • Orisa
  • Reinhardt
  • Winston
  • Zarya


  • Lúcio
  • Mercy
  • Moira

Unlocking Additional Heroes in Overwatch 2

Using the 15 heroes in the FTUE, free-to-play players must progress through 100 matches to unlock all the other 19 heroes for free. After 4 games, players can choose their next hero from a selection. 

In addition, new players must win 50 games to access Competitive Mode. Those who owned a copy of the original Overwatch or purchased the Watchpoint Pack will have access to all heroes when the game launches. Those who purchase the Watchpoint Pack or Premium Battle Pass will also gain instant access to the newest hero, Kiriko.

Countdown to the Overwatch 2 launch with us! 

Players can start their journey into the world of Overwatch 2 when it releases today, October 4, 2022, at 3 p.m. EST.

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