If you’ve fully immersed in the world of The Chant, you’ll have realized by now that you need to solve many puzzles to advance the game’s plot. One of the initial puzzles that may challenge you is how to open the Cannery door in The Chant Chapter 2. Luckily, we played through it, and we’re here to help.
How to Open the Cannery Door in The Chant (Chapter 2) Guide
To open the Cannery Door in The Chant Chapter 2, you must find and combine 3 parts of a key, then fit the key in the slot on the door to open it.
The first key part is in the attic above Kim, guarded by monsters. Players will find the second key on the desk in the projector room to the right of Kim’s building. The third and last key is located in a boat on the dock. You’ll need to obtain the Cannery Padlock Key to open the door of the building, which is to the right of the projector building. Once you combine all 3 parts of the key, you will create the Didecahedron Key.
If you’re still confused, no worries–here is a thorough walkthrough with images to help you out.
Key Part 1
After speaking with Anton, keep walking down the pier. You’ll eventually make your way to where Kim is. After a scary cutscene, continue walking down the path, then make a left. You’ll see a ladder you can take to the attic for the first part of the key.

Once upstairs, there will be beasts guarding the key. Make sure to refresh your Mind at the crystal. You don’t need to kill the beasts guarding the first part of the key. You can dodge and avoid them and pick it up, then run back out the way you came.

Key Part 2
The second part of the key is the most obvious. Go into the projector room to the right of Kim’s building. The second part of the key will be right on the desk directly in front of the doors.

We’ll open the Cannery Door later down the staircase and to the left.
Key Part 3
The last part of the key is on a small rowboat at the end of the docks, but is blocked off. To access this area, obtain the Cannery Padlock Key from the red chest to the right of the projector building.

Once you have the key, open the door of the dock building, walk through the room, and make your way to the docks for the third and final piece of the key. This piece will be in a small rowboat to your left.

Combining All 3 Parts of the Key
Bring up your inventory with I, then click on the parts of the key and Combine them with F. This will create the Didecahedron Key. Once all 3 parts of the key are combined, make your way back to the door in the basement of the projector room and get ready to face the Chapter 2 boss.

We hope you found this helpful in better understanding how to open the Cannery door in The Chant, Chapter 2. Don’t feel bad if you couldn’t figure it out–The Chant was developed to be a challenge!
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