Where to Get Tool Set in Tower of Fantasy

Unsure where to find the Tool Set in Tower of Fantasy? Getting them is actually easier than you think.

Tower of Fantasy or ToF, the fun, open-world anime game developed by Hotta Studio, is an action-packed blast with hundreds of hours of content. One of the more obscure missions involves repairing power plants around radio towers. To do this, you’ll need to get a Tool Set. However, where to find said Tool Set isn’t exactly obvious. Here’s where you can get a Tool Set in Tower of Fantasy

Where to Get Tool Set in Tower of Fantasy

Tool Sets are found in the Fine gift sold at the Crystal Dust Store and the Points Store in Tower of Fantasy. 

To get a Tool Set: 

  1. Open the Commissary
  2. Click either the Crystal Dust Store or the Points Store on the left. 
  3. Purchase the Fine gift and exit the store. 
  4. Go to your Backpack and use the Fine gift
  5. Select Tool set and click the OK button. 

Now you should have a toolset and can repair the power plants you find around the Banges area in Aesperia. 

The Fine Gift in Tower of Fantasy costs 30 blue Energy crystal dust or 120 Training Points

Where to Get Tool Set in Tower of Fantasy
Screenshot via Gamer Digest/Tower of Fantasy

If you don’t have enough currency to purchase a Tool Set or Fine Gift, you’ll need to do more in-game missions to accrue them. 

Participate in the Select missions in your Adventure tab to get more blue Energy crystal dust. Energy crystal dust is a reward for doing missions that cost Vitality

For more Training Points, complete training missions across the game world. Training missions will look like fire hydrants on your world map. Two missions per day can be completed. 

And there you have it! You now have the knowledge you need to snag the Tool Set in Tower of Fantasy or ToF. 

If you found this ToF guide useful, bookmark our Tower of Fantasy Section to ensure that you get all the bonuses and rewards possible in the game!