Big Ambitions: How to Turn Off the Car Radio

Here's how to turn off the car radio in Big Ambitions.

It won’t be long before you get your first car in Big Ambitions, courtesy of Uncle Fred. The first thing you notice when you enter your new vehicle is the music blaring at concert-level decibels. It’s not very intuitive for a new player to figure out how to remedy this issue. Here’s how to turn off your car radio in Big Ambitions.

How to Turn Off the Car Radio in Big Ambitions

To turn off your car radio in Big Ambitions, you’ll need to turn the volume slider down to zero from the Bizphone window. Enter your car, and you should see the volume slider underneath the name of the song playing. Slide it to the left to silence the radio. Unfortunately, there’s no way to turn it off completely, but so long as it’s silenced, it’s basically the same thing.

How to Turn Off the Car Radio in Big Ambitions

And if you manage to smash your car into something while silencing the radio, see our guide on how to repair your vehicle in Big Ambitions.

If you weren’t aware of this volume slider, you may also not have known about the fact that you can skip songs. Press the next button to the right of the volume slider on the Bizphone window to go to the next song. The soundtrack is not bad at all in this game, but it may sort of ruin the relaxing atmosphere for a lot of players.

And there you have it, that’s how to turn off the car radio, or at least lower the volume to zero, in Big Ambitions.

You can check out some more guides and walkthroughs in our Big Ambitions Section.