Diablo 3: Where to Find the Altar of Rites

Here's where to find the Altar of Rites in Diablo 3 Season 28.

Diablo 3 has recently been pushing out some well-received content for the seasonal updates, and Season 28 continues the trend. The upcoming season features a new Altar of Rites system that can unlock some powers to make your characters even stronger. Here’s a rundown on where to find the Altar of Rites, how it works in Season 28, and how you can check it out on the Public Test Realm.

Where to Find the Altar of Rites?

The Altar of Rites is located in the starting town of Act 1, known as New Tristram. From the waypoint in New Tristram, follow the path west past Arghus the Collector, and you will see the Altar of Rites off to the side. The Altar should have a yellow marker on your map.

Image: Screenshot by Gamer Digest/Diablo 3

If you’re playing on the Diablo 3 Season 28 PTR and cannot find the Altar of Rites, you’ll need to make sure you’re playing a new Seasonal character for Season 28. Pre-existing characters, and those cloned over from your live server account, will not be able to see the Altar of Rites because it is a Season 28 exclusive feature.

The Altar of Rites is a new feature for Season 28 that players can interact with at level one. It features a tree of Seals and Legendary Potion Powers, which can be unlocked by offering materials. You can work your way down the tree in whatever order you wish to gain powers that grant things like bonus damage, movement speed, damage reduction, and more loot.

You can see the full list of Diablo 3 Altar of Rites powers in our guide, so you can plan your strategy accordingly. Overall, the Altar requires sacrificing lootable and salvaged materials like Reusable Parts, Gems, Rift Keys, Bloodshards, and other various items. Unlocking every power also unlocks a new cosmetics, the Wings of Terror. 

If you want to check this out now, you can do so live on the PTR. Open your Battle.net client, navigate to the Diablo III section, and change the game version to “Public Test Realm.” You’ll need to download and install it, and then you can create a new Season 28 character to check it out.