Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Announcement Causes Fan Speculation to Go Wild

What is your theory?

FromSoftware officially announced an upcoming DLC currently in development called Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree

Creators of Elden Ring, FromSoftware and Hidetaka Miyazaki, managed to create what is widely considered a masterpiece. While the story in Elden Ring is complete, as gaming often goes, there’s always room for more lore and additional content. Even with its GOTY status, Elden Ring isn’t immune to this and is getting its DLC at a so-far undisclosed date, as announced on the official Elden Ring Twitter

Cover Art Causes Fan Speculation Over Elden Ring DLC

While little is known about Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, it is enough that the developers gave us some cover art to look at. This caused rabid Elden Ring and Miyazaki fans to evaluate and analyze what may come in the DLC — likely an intentional strategy by the game’s creators. 

According to a Reddit post on the matter, there are a few things fans have already been able to spot in the cover art. For one, there’s speculation as to the identity of the ghostly figure pictured on the horse. Is it Miquella or Queen Marika? 

Secondly, fans have analyzed the tree in the background and the parasitic-looking drippings on the Erdtree. The consensus online seems to believe that this is Death Blight, a status effect in Elden Ring that slowly creeps in and kills the creature affected. 

Trying to predict what exactly Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree contains would be complete speculation, but fans are anticipating new areas, weapons, and characters — making this a potentially a much more substantial update than their previous Colosseum Update that dropped in December 2022 and added multiplayer duels. 

We’ll make sure to keep up with this story in our News Section