One of the unique aspects of The Wandering Village is that this post-apocalyptic universe is covered in Poison. In the early game, you may be too concentrated on growing food, but Poison is actually a fundamental in-game mechanic that will bring ruin to your entire civilization if you’re not careful. To cure poisoning in both your Onbu and your villagers, it’s important that you learn how to make medicine in the Wandering Village.
How to make Medicine (Herbs) in The Wandering Village
To make medicine in The Wandering Village, you’ll need to build a Herbalist to grow and harvest Herbs for you. Then, you need to build a Village Doctor to cure your villagers when they are poisoned. Finally, to heal your Onbu from poisoning, build an Onbu Doctor building.
See below for step-by-step instructions on each part.
Part 1: Building a Herbalist
To build a Herbalist:
- Click the Building Menu icon towards the bottom of the screen.
- Select Poison from the bottom toolbar.
- Click the Herbalist building and place it.

Herbalists act much like Farms, where you’ll need an allotted amount of land around the building to build Herbs. Herbs grow on grass or the green areas on your map.

Once you have a Herbalist, you can plant and harvest Herbs just like you would with a farm. See our Farming Guide if you’re unsure of how to do it.
The number of Herbs collected will be displayed with an icon at the bottom of the Herbalist building screen. Herbs thrive in moderate temperatures.
Part 2: Building a Village Doctor
To build a Village Doctor, open your Building Menu, then click Poison before selecting Village Doctor and placing it. Before building a Village Doctor, you’ll need to research the technology from the Village tab in Research.

It’s smart to place your Village Doctor close to your Herbalist so that your villagers will have to travel a shorter distance to transport goods to the Doc.
Once your Village Doctor building is complete, your doctor will automatically heal villagers who become sick in your village. It’s important to maintain a good supply of Herbs, in case an outbreak occurs.

While it’s not 100% necessary to keep a Villager assigned to a Doctor role when there is no outbreak, we do it anyway to remedy Posinings as quickly as possible as they occur, before they get out of hand.
Part 3: Building an Onbu Doctor
To build an Onbu Doctor:
- Research Onbu Doctor under Research. You must learn the Hornblower building first.
- Click the Building Menu icon at the bottom of your screen.
- Click the Onbu Interaction icon at the bottom toolbar.
- Select Onbu Doctor and place it near the head of your Onbu.
You can monitor your Onbu’s health next to the profile icon for your monster. The small bubbles next to it represent how poisoned your Onbu is. You can reduce the poisoning of your Onbu by giving it Herbs.

Healing your Onbu
To heal your Onbu:
- Collect at least 10 Herbs at the Onbu Doctor.
- Click the Onbu Doctor building.
- Click the Show Interactions button.
- Select Antidote to reduce the poisoning in your Onbu by 20%.
Then, a bar called Preparing will start to fill up, and your Onbu Doctor will deploy an air balloon to administer the Herbs to your Onbu.

And there you have it! That’s everything you need to know about making medicine in the world of The Wandering Village.
Remember, if there is ever a breakout of poisoning in your village, remove any poisoned plants ASAP, as the disease will grow and propagate, eventually killing everyone.
The Wandering Village can be purchased now on Steam.
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