Wild Hearts: List of All Fusion Karakuri and Combinations

Here's a list of all Fusion Karakuri in Wild Hearts, and the required Basic Karakuri combinations to make them.

Fusion Karakuri are powerful traps and a necessary mechanic to master when it comes to hunting dangerous Kemono. Fusion Karakuri can grant you openings to pull off combos against deadly Kemono, as well as save you from certain death. Here’s a list of all Fusion Karakuri in Wild Hearts and the required basic Karakuri to make them.

Note that you will need to have the correct Basic Karakuri equipped to build these during a hunt. You can either go to any forge or speak to Natsume in Minato to change your equipped Karakuri. You can also check which Fusion Karakuri you can build by bringing up the build menu and checking the top-right of the screen. That will show the specific hotkeys you must press to build a particular Fusion Karakuri.

All Fusion Karakuri in Wild Hearts

Here’s a list of all Fusion Karakuri in Wild Hearts:

  • Bulwark: Crate, Crate, Crate, Crate, Crate, Crate
  • Pounder: Spring, Spring, Spring
  • Shield Wall: Crate, Spring, Crate
  • Firework: Torch, Torch, Torch, Torch, Torch, Torch
  • Star Bomb: Spring, Torch, Spring
  • Harpoon: Spring, Spring, Stake, Spring, Spring, Stake
  • Repeater Crossbow: Glider, Stake, Glider
  • Healing Mist: Glider, Glider, Glider
  • Elemental Lantern: Crate, Glider, Crate
  • Celestial Cannon: Celestial Anchor, Torch, Celestial Anchor, Celestial Anchor, Torch, Celestial Anchor
  • Healing Vaporizer: Torch, Celestial Anchor, Torch
  • Celestial Shield: Celestial Anchor, Crate, Celestial Anchor, Celestial Anchor, Crate, Celestial Anchor
  • Chain Trap: Stake, Stake, Crate, Stake, Stake, Crate

How to Unlock Fusion Karakuri in Wild Hearts?

Fusion Karakuri are unlocked in the midst of hunting Kemono in what’s called a Flash of Inspiration. During specific hunts — assuming you have the right basic Karakuri equipped — you will encounter a small window of opportunity where the screen blurs, showing a particular button combination to press. Successfully pulling off the combination and building the proper Karakuri will result in unlocking the corresponding Fusion Karakuri.

Additionally, you will need to open your Karakuri Upgrade tree and ensure you have progressed deep enough into the tree to unlock the specific Fusion Karakuri. For example, Celestial Anchor does not unlock until late into the game, so it is impossible to unlock this very early on, and we recommend continuing through the story.

We won’t list how to unlock each Fusion Karakuri in this guide simply to avoid spoilers. However, you can browse our Wild Hearts guides section and search for whichever one you’re looking to unlock. For now, those are all the Fusion Karakuri in Wild Hearts and the required Basic Karakuri to create them. We’ll update this guide if things change down the line with future DLC and updates.