There are many species of small kemono found throughout the wilderness in Wild Hearts. These small kemono are the key to obtaining a variety of materials required for crafting the best gear and weapons. One such material you’ll need early on in the game is Serpent Slough. Serpent Slough can be tough to obtain, especially if you missed it in the earlier chapters, so here’s a rundown on where you can find it.
Where to Get Serpent Slough in Wild Hearts
Serpent Slough drops from Whipthrash Serpents located on Spirit Isle in Chapter 1. You will need to slay the Whiptrash Serpents, and they will drop Serpent Slough 100% of the time. If you’re getting Serpent Flotation Cutis instead, it’s likely because you’re not in Chapter 1. You can modify your current chapter on the bottom left of the Main Map.
Here’s the location of the Whipthrash Serpents in Spirit Isle:

The location can change slightly, so open up your Detail Map and change the filter to Small Kemono. You can locate all of the Whipthrash Serpents by hovering your cursor over the dots.
Again, it’s important to make sure you’re in Chapter 1. I can’t tell you the number of Whipthrash Serpents I killed only to realize this was the reason why I was only getting Cutis.

Now you know where to find Serpent Slough in Wild Hearts, so it’s time to get farming so you can craft the good stuff! Make sure to check out our Wild Hearts section for more guides, walkthroughs, and helpful lists.