One of the first tough enemies players encounter in the new soulslike, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is named Zhang Liang, General of Man, and he’s super tough if you’re not used to this type of game. Here’s exactly how you can defeat him.
Soulslike games are designed to be tough, and Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty certainly isn’t for the faint of heart. Zhang Liang is the first “real” boss players will face in the game, and there’s a good chance it’ll take many attempts before you can take him out. Here’s how to defeat him.
How to Beat Zhang Liang in Wo Long Fallen Dynasty
Zhang Liang has two forms, a normal human form and a demonic form, that emerges after defeating his human form. To beat Zhang Liang, counter his special move when he glows red by parrying (circle) right before his attack lands for the highest damage counter. In his human form, Zhang can be easily staggered by hitting light, light, heavy attack.

In his second form, players can unleash the power contained in the Jade by hitting Triangle and Circle on their controller once the power animal icon in the bottom right of the screen fills up to immediately end the fight and initiate a cutscene. To fill up the spirit icon, counter his special red abilities, just as you did in his first form to lower his health.

Beating this particular boss all comes down to timing. Timing your parry correctly will enable you to counter him. Take note of Liang’s Spirit Gauge, the bar under his health. When this fills up completely, you can use a heavy attack to deal massive damage while he is fully staggered.
Since it’s earlier in the game and you don’t have access to power armor and weapons, you’ll need to dodge and parry Zhang Liang’s attacks to defeat him rather than muscle your way through this particular boss.
Using spells to enhance your defense and recovery time may also aid you in this initial boss battle.
For more guides, see our Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Section.