Best Combos in Undisputed

Competing in online matchmaking in Undisputed means that you’ll need to learn a few combos. If you’re unsure what to do, read our guide for the best combos in the game. 

If you’re looking to become the Undisputed boxing champ of the world, you will have to start stringing together a few combos. Single-power punches are great, but you’ll have a one-dimensional fighting game without solid combos. 

Best Combos in Undisputed

Here are the best combos you can do in Undisputed: 

If you’re unsure what the controls are, check out our Undisputed Controls Guide for all the different commands you can use in the game. We will be using the Competitor Controls for this combo guide. 

Jab, Cross (1-2)

The bread and butter combo for any aspiring boxer. Jab, Straight is the most basic combination in any boxers arsenal. Try mixing up this combination by adding two jabs for a 1-1-2. 

How to do a Jab, Cross:

  • Xbox: X, Y
  • PlayStation: Square, Triangle
  • Thumbsticks: Right Stick Northwest, Right Stick Northeast

Jab, Cross, Left Hook (1-2-3)

Adding a left hook on the end of a 1-2 combo makes it even more devastating, especially if you land the first two punches. 

How to do a Jab, Cross, Left Hook:

  • Xbox: X, Y, A
  • PlayStation: Square, Triangle, X
  • Thumbsticks: Right Stick Northwest, Right Stick Northeast, Right Stick West

Right Uppercut, Left Hook (6-3)

If you want a quick but powerful combo, catching an opponent coming in with a Right Uppercut into a Left Hook can leave them on the canvas. 

How to do a Right Uppercut, Left Hook:

  • Xbox: B + Y, A
  • PlayStation: X + Square, X
  • Thumbsticks: Right Stick Southeast, Right Stick West
Undisputed Screenshot

Jab, Right Hook (1-4)

A nice variation of the 1-2, the 1-4 is also an effective short combination, great for catching an opponent using a high front guard. 

How to do a Jab, Right Hook:

  • Xbox: X, B
  • PlayStation: Square, Circle
  • Thumbsticks: Right Stick Northwest, Right Stick East
Undisputed Screenshot

Lead Uppercut, Cross, Left Hook (5-2-3)

Leading with an uppercut usually isn’t advised for a 3-piece combo, but you can use this quick combination to catch your opponent off guard. 

How to do a Leader Uppercut, Cross, Left Hook:

  • Xbox: A + X, Y, A
  • PlayStation: X + Square, Triangle, X
  • Thumbsticks: Right Stick Southwest, Right Stick Northeast, Rick Stick West

Jab, Cross, Lead Uppercut (1-2-5)

If you’re looking for another punch to build off the basic 1-2 combination, try using the Jab, Cross, Lead Uppercut. It flows nicely together and can catch opponents who are leaning in too often. 

How to do a Jab, Cross, Lead Uppercut:

  • Xbox: X, Y, A+X
  • PlayStation: Square, Triangle, X + Square
  • Thumbsticks: Right Stick Northwest, Right Stick Northeast, Right Stick Southwest
Undisputed Screenshot

Jab, Right Uppercut, Left Hook (1-6-3)

This combo is unique, which is why your enemy won’t see it coming. 

How to do a Jab, Right Uppercut, Left Hook:

  • Xbox: X, B+Y, A
  • PlayStation: Square, Circle + Triangle, X
  • Thumbsticks: Right Stick Northwest, Right Stick Southeast, Right Stick West

How to Build Combos in Undisputed

Like in real boxing, you can try any combination of punches in succession to damage your opponent. The most effective combos utilize both hands and build off each other. If you notice, many of the best combos are left, right, left, or right, left, right because the twist of the hips generated from a punch automatically puts your fighter in the correct position to throw a punch from the other side of their body. 

However — this doesn’t always have to be the case. For example, combos like Jab, Left Hook or Jab, Jab, Right are regularly used combos in both Undisputed and real boxing. 

See our Undisputed Section for more.