If you’ve hopped into the action and started building your empire in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, some aspects of the game might seem confusing, as they are different and more realistic than other medieval RPG or adventure games you’ve played. One of the most important things players need to learn is how to heal their character and troops. Here’s how to heal in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord.
In Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, there are no potions or food you can eat that will heal you. Your character cannot recover in battle, so keep this in mind if you start to get low in HP. While your troops will fight even when you’re knocked out, you will no longer be able to return to the fray.
How to Heal in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord
To heal in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord, rest in a town, village, or castle. Your character will automatically heal slowly over time while on the campaign map. This healing rate increases by leveling up the Medicine skill of your character or the Surgeon companion in your party.
See below for a more in-depth description of how to heal in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord.
Resting in a Town, Village, or Castle
To rest in a Town, Village, or Castle in Bannerlord, click the location to enter it. Then, hit Wait for here for some time, and you will heal over time. View your health in the bottom right of the screen.

You will be able to stay in Towns and Villages for some Denars. This rate increases as your party grows. You can only stay in Castles of allied lords or lords with whom you have a good relationship.
Using the Medicine Skill to Increase Heal Rate
The Medicine Skill increases the healing rate for both your main character and the warriors in your army. Press the + button to add Focus to the Medicine Skill, so you level it up faster and can unlock other healing abilities. View the current healing rate for your character or Surgeon in the Skills tab.

You can also increase the Medicine Skill of your Surgeon companion in your party if you don’t want to assign skill points to Medicine for your main character.
And there you have it! How to heal in Mount and Blade II: Bannerlord is easy–you literally have to wait. However, it’s important to heal in-between battles, or you will enter your next battle with less health.
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