How to Recall Units in Minecraft Legends

If you need to defend your base quickly in Minecraft Legends, you’ll need to learn how to recall your units. 

If you’ve played in Versus mode and all of a sudden, all your Golems suddenly disappear, it isn’t a glitch in the game. In Minecraft Legends, players gain access to a recall feature that teleports all of their spawned units to their location on the map. In multiplayer mode, this still holds, so you’ll need to work with your teammates to properly position all your units. Here’s how to recall units in Minecraft Legends. 

How to Recall Units in Minecraft Legends

To recall all your units back to you in Minecraft Legends, craft or walk over to any Golem Spawner, and press and hold the recall hotkey to recall your units to the spawner’s location.

On PC, press “X” to select the combat hotbar, then craft any Golem Spawner. Once construction is complete, walk over to the spawner and hit and hold “E” to recall your units. 

Recall Units Minecraft Legends
Screenshot: Minecraft Legends

In multiplayer Versus mode, players can only recall units from spawners inside your village or next to your Well of Fate. Spawners built outside of your base, like next to the enemy base, won’t be able to recall units — though, we appreciate your strategic thinking. 

A great way to use the recall function is if your base is under attack by piglins or the enemy team. It’s also useful when you’ve traveled around the map and have some Golems wandering around in random places and want to grab them all at once. 

For more guides like this one, visit our Minecraft Legends section