Minecraft Legends: How to Increase Mob Rally Limit

In Minecraft Legends, players can command Golems and other mobs to follow them into battle. If you want to learn how to increase mob rally limit, this guide was made for you. 

One of the first things you learn in the tutorial of Minecraft Legends is to make your friendly Golems rally to your aid. At first, players start with 20 mobs they can rally, but eventually, you can rally many more than that at a time. If you’re wondering how to increase your overall mob cap rather than rally size, read our guide on increasing mob cap in Minecraft Legends; otherwise, stick around, and we’ll show you what you need to increase the number of mobs that can rally around you.

How to Increase Mob Rally Limit in Minecraft Legends

To increase the number of mobs that can follow you at a time, construct an Improvement: Banner from the Improvements and Host Melodies construction tab. In the campaign mode, this enables players to rally +15 more mobs; in versus mode, it’s +10 mobs.

Improvement Banner Minecraft Legends

Before constructing the Banner, you’ll need to create an Improvement Hub to place the construction next to it. 

Ultimately, there is more than one way to command a large number of units in Minecraft Legends. If you want to have your units surround you constantly, increasing the mob rally limit is a good way to do this. 

If you don’t really care about that but would rather just be able to control more mobs at once, use your advanced commands, as you’ll be able to select units next to you all at once rather than being limited by your mob rally limit. You can move units, go to their location, then move them again using this method.

For more guides like this one, make sure to check out our Minecraft Legends section