Is Minecraft Legends an Open World Game? Answered

Minecraft Legends is a lot different than the original Minecraft, but does it have an open world? We set out to answer that in this quick guide. 

The new Minecraft Legends is an action-strategy game with RTS elements developed by Mojang Studios. In it, players can play a campaign story mode or multiplayer Versus modes. If you’re unsure whether to pick up the game, you may have asked, “Is Minecraft Legends an open world game?” Keep reading, and we’ll give you the answer. 

Is Minecraft Legends Open World?

Yes, Minecraft Legends is an open world experience in both the campaign and multiplayer Versus modes. While the map is nowhere near the size of the original Minecraft, players are free to explore the Overworld and points of interest on their map and don’t have to stick to a linear path. However, players may find it easier to approach piglin camps closer to their Well of Fate early in their campaign. 

Minecraft Legends Map

Players can navigate to their Overworld map and fast-travel by selecting the blue square icons on the map. Like other games with an open world, this feature is pretty standard and makes navigating around the large area much faster.

Ultimately, in the end, Minecraft Legends resembles a strategy or RTS game much more than an open world survival game. So while it does provide a free-to-explore area where you can partake in different activities, the end goal will feel much different than other open world games you’ve played the in the past.  

Rather than focusing on all of the things you can do in the world, you should focus on what your base or villages need in the game. 

For more guides like this one, see our Minecraft Legends section