Marauders Pre-Early Access Weekend Starts Today

Can't wait to jump into the action of Marauders? Here's all the details you need to know about the pre-early access weekend.

If you’re into the fun space raiding game, Marauders and can’t wait for it to release in Early Access on Steam this October, you can get a taste of the action early during the pre-early access playtest starting this weekend. Here’s what we know so far about the Marauders Pre-Early access weekend, including dates, times, and other details. 

When is Marauders Pre-Early Access?

Marauders pre-early access starts today, September 30, at 11:30 a.m. EST and runs to October 3, 11:00 a.m. EST. To be eligible for the pre-early access weekend, players must pre-order the game on the Marauder’s official website

Marauders officially launches into early access on October 3, 2022, at 12:30 p.m. EDT.

Along with the announcement, the developers of Mauraders, Small Impact Games, also announced that streamers and content creators would be streaming the game this weekend on sites like Twitch and YouTube. 

If you’ve not pre-ordered the game yet, don’t worry–you’re not too late. By pre-ordering the game this weekend, you can still get into the pre-early access weekend and play the game for yourself. 

What is Marauders? 

Marauders is a PvP, PvE, first-person looter shooter set in space, where you can raid giant spaceships or battle against other human players.

Like other games in the genre, Marauders is quite punishing; when you die, you lose your loot. We had a chance to play Mauraders, and we’ve got to say–it was a blast for the limited time we played.

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