How to Get the Redstone Launcher in Minecraft Legends

Here's how to get Redstone Launcher in Minecraft Legends, so you can flatten some enemy buildings.

Minecraft Legends incorporates many different aspects of Minecraft into one interesting action-strategy game, and there’s a lot to learn as you work your way through the campaign. One of the early things you’ll need to do is figure out how to get a Redstone Launcher. If you are a bit confused about how to do this, we’ve got you covered in this short guide on how to get the Redstone Launcher in Minecraft Legends.

How to Get the Redstone Launcher in Minecraft Legends

To get the Redstone Launcher, you will need to gather 100 Redstone, 100 Stone, and 50 Wood, and then select the Redstone Launcher player building melody from your hotbar. By default, this melody may not be in your hotbar, so you might need to open up your Melody Book (“R” key on PC), go to the Player Building Melodies page, and place the shortcut in your hotbar.

How to Get the Redstone Launcher in Minecraft Legends

The Redstone Launcher launches explosives at the targeted area. It requires manual targeting and firing and also has a cooldown/reload period after firing multiple shots. To use the Redstone Launcher, interact with the launcher after placing it, and use your camera controls to move your target. Confirm your target to begin firing. The Redstone Launcher needs to be interacted with again after reloading.

If you play through the Minecraft Legends campaign, you will get to a point where the narrator recommends you use the Redstone Launcher to take care of a piglin base. However, with a lot of different mechanics flying at you, it can be easy to overlook exactly how you’re supposed to go about getting one. So, there you have it — that’s how to get the Redstone Launcher in Minecraft Legends. Hopefully, this helps you out if you were wondering how to proceed.